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Hey everybody! I wanted to try this out, we'll see how it goes. I might continue this depending on the traffic it gets but either way I've had a lot of fun writing this.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

Life has not been so easy. I'm always being picked on by the other teens and work in the forge is getting busier and busier. Well, at least I had Toothless right? Nope; dad has put the entire tribe under lock-down because some psycho decided Berk was an easy target.

Truth be told, we don't really know who this guy is or what he wants exactly but my father isn't about to try reasoning with him; We're Vikings after all, we have stubbornness issues. The only thing we can figure is that he wants to kill us off for who- knows -why, as he's been targeting the younger generations here, mostly at night. And to top it all off, he was using dragons to do it. Not just any dragons, strange exotic dragons we had never seen before. Why? I'd rather not find out. 

I walked into the Great Hall and grabbed a plate of what I'm hoping is chicken before taking a seat in the back where the other teens wouldn't notice me. They did. Everyone came rushing over to brag about their achievements and belittle me any way they can. Well, My cousin Snotlout was, everyone else pretty much just fallowed him around. Astrid, however, stayed where she was, her back turned to me. In reality she's the only one I actually wish was different, I don't care so much about what everyone else thinks. She's the only one I want to impress, though I seem to make things worse somehow. I was trying very hard to tune out the other trainees and eat when I was thankfully saved from my over enthusiastic piers by my father busting trough the large wooden doors with his normal angry demeanor. I could tell something was up however, just by the look on his face, and by the looks of it, I wasn't the only one to notice.

My father walked up to the front of the hall with the rest of his counsel fallowing shortly behind. Now I was concerned; his face bore a mixture of anger, confusion, and was that That was new. 

"My brothers and sisters! Today we have both reason to be concerned and reason to celebrate."

That got everyone's attention real quick.

"As you know, we have been restlessly searching for answers about this new threat. Well, with days of study, our elder has discovered this man has, um..."

That was odd. I had never seen my dad struggle when addressing the village before. He's always so confidant and Chiefly. 

"Well, it turns out, uh-"

"He's from the future!" Gobber finished.

There were loud gasps and hushed conversations broke out amongst the people and I believe I heard Fishlegs make an odd squeaking noise. I on the other hand, was just trying to make sure I heard right in the first place. It was no secrete our elder, Gothi, knew a lot about magic and spells so I really shouldn't have been so surprised, but this was pushing it. I mean time travel? I couldn't really tell how I felt about all of this. On one hand it was absolutely terrifying, but on the other, this was something unheard of and new. My curiosity was quickly winning my internal debate and I found myself fidgeting in anticipation , my mind buzzing with questions. 

"Yes," my father continued, effectively shutting everyone up. "Thank you Gobber."

Then there was that odd look of joy on his face again and believe it or not, that's the part that made me nervous. Gobber looking at me and grinning certainly didn't help, of course.

"But" Stoic boomed, "There are people from his time who may be on our side. The elder has managed to send a message to them, to which they replied with the fallowing;"

He held up a scroll I didn't realize he had and began to read:

"My fellow people of Berk, I am afraid to say I have encountered this man many times and failed to finish him. It seems I have sadly misinterpreted his silence for surrender; I should have known he would not give in so easily. I can only assume he was laying low and plotting this, maybe even from the start. 

We would be happy to assist you, standing together we may just stand a chance. I must warn you though, our methods may seem a bit unorthodox to you, as we fight most of our battles in the air from dragon back. But this can all be explained upon our arrival. 

                                                                                                                      Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. "

When he finished and read the sign off, I felt my blood run cold. Subconsciously, I knew the entire village was yelling over top of each other in a panicked frenzy but all I could hear was that last sentence playing over and over again in my mind: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III! 

I couldn't breathe, I could hardly think. we fight most of our battles in the air from dragon back. I knew the dragon could only be Toothless. But who was "we"? Would there be other dragon riders in the future? Could it be that I wasn't alone in this after all? Could my future really be bright? A small smile formed on my lips at such a thought.

"SILENCE!" Stoic shouted, "This is not something to be feared, but something to celebrate! My boy, who would have guessed it, has managed to bend the beasts to his will!"

There were applause and a few cheers, but if my future self was anything like my present self, I can guarantee that is not what will happen. Of course, I wasn't going to tell them that; I'd have to have a death wish for that. No, I'd best keep this to myself. 

After a while, as everyone began to make their way home, my father and Gobber came up to me, trying to congratulate me on my inevitable success.

"Well lad, who knew ya had it in ya, huh?" dad laughed. "My boy, riding on the back of a dragon!"

"Well, I told ya he had it in 'em, didn't I?" Gobber boasted. 

They laughed for another minute when I faked a yawn. I didn't really like being told how awful I would be to dragons in the coming years, especially if that dragon was toothless.

"Yeah, so I think I'm just gonna, you know, turn in." I excused myself.

"That's right lad," said Gobber, "They should be arriving early tomorrow morn."

Wait, tomorrow? I was going to meet myself, tomorrow?! Well, there's no way I was sleeping now.    

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