Moving Forward

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Hey guys! I'm back! I know it's been forever but I really wasn't sure where to go with this and I'm still not entirely sure so if you have suggestions please let me know. Thank you all for reading and/or Voting, it really makes my day! God bless and have a good one!

Hiccup's P.O.V

Yesterday had been an amazing experience. Getting to interact with all the different dragons was itself, incredible but what I loved most was listening to our guests. Even Ruffnut and Tuffnut had been somewhat knowledgeable and the older Snotlout wasn't that much of a jerk. The only thing I wish there could have been more of, was talking to my older self. Sure, he had stopped what he was doing to point something out every now and then, but we hadn't had a real conversation since we first met in the Great Hall. But that was all about to change, today I was going to demand we spend some time together. Hopefully. I was still nervous around him and frankly I was afraid of making a fool of myself. But he'd understand that, right? If anyone would, it would be him. Right?

I walked into the Great Hall where everyone was beginning to clean up the morning meal. I was a little late and just hoped I hadn't missed him. Thankfully I spotted him talking to my father and his counsel on the other side of the room along with our other guests. The mood seemed a bit dim, and I began to wonder if I should even be here at all. I wasn't alone though, the other teens from dragon training were sitting at a table not far from the adults, eavesdropping. I took my place at the table just behind my peers and began to listen.

"He's been targeting the younger generation." my dad explained. "They come out of nowhere just after the sun sets and just starts... taring things apart."

"That sounds like him." Astrid replied.

"We've been battling this guy for years." said my older counterpart, "Apparently he's the one responsible for all the Night Fury's disappearing. Where he got the idea for time travel I have absolutely no idea, I would expect this from Viggo or Johan but I never would have thought Grimmel could be so... devious." 

"So, what are you gonna do about it?" asked Gobber.

He seemed to stop and think for a moment, looking over at his team for discernment. 

"We wait for him to make the first move. Then, we move in when he least expects it."

"And if that doesn't work?" my uncle Spitelout questioned skeptically. 

"Actually, it probably won't work, but that's why we have allies. Several other teams of dragon riders are on standby waiting for our signal as we speak. If it comes to that, we have plenty of back up. We aren't taking any chances this time."

"You mean there ar' more of ya?" asked Gobber.

"Oh yeah." answered the older Snotlout, "Lot's more where that came from. The Wing Maidens, the Berserkers, we're still working on the Defenders of the Wing though."

"No, we aren't. If they don't want to ride dragons, then they don't have to ride dragons."

"I think I've heard enough." said my father, "This meeting is adjourned." 

And with that, everyone got up and slowly made their way out of the building; that was my chance. I made my way over towards the older dragon riders as quietly and inconspicuously as I could manage. I didn't succeed; however, I somehow ran straight into the twin's older selves. 

"Oh hey, there you are!" said the grown Ruffnut, "Chief wants to talk to you."

It was uncomfortably obvious that the other teens were now listening in on the conversation. Why this was so interesting to them was beyond me, but it must have been something worth hearing about. 

"Me? About what?"

"Don't know." answered Tuff, "Seemed pretty important to him though."

And with that, they continued on about their business as if we'd never had a conversation in the first place. I was concerned though, had I done something wrong? Was I in trouble for something? Maybe he wanted to tell me not to come around him again, or perhaps he didn't want me near his kids. Maybe Snotlout was right, maybe he really was ashamed me. Whatever the case, I'd have to face the fire at some point, it may as well be now.

I walked over, albeit slowly, towards the older Vikings. The older Hiccup seemed to be speaking to Gobber again, probably talking about advanced strategies or how to bring the dragons into play. It was odd really; I had spent most of the day yesterday at least in his presence yet I felt like I was walking up to him for the first time. But I couldn't back down now, I needed this for my own self-esteem, as much as I hated to admit that even to myself. Though, I certainly wasn't going to tell him that.

I only had to wait a minute before Gobber decided it was time to head back to the forge. Honestly, I would have liked to wait a little while longer, to structure my thoughts in some way, but I didn't receive that luxury. My older self had bid him farewell and was turning to go on about his day only to find me there.

Older Hiccup's P.O.V

The meeting went over as well as could be expected I suppose. We had been talking for what felt like forever when my young counterpart walked in. None of the other teenagers had taken the social que to leave when the meeting first started (not that I minded) but it seemed he hadn't shown up at all until then. When I did see him, he looked a bit dis shelved and had dark circles under his eyes. I was beginning to worry about him, had he not been sleeping? Needless to say, I was happy to find him waiting for me after the Council meeting.

"Oh, Hiccup. I'm glad I ran into you."

"U-um, the twins said some-something about you wanting to talk to me?"

"Uhh, more or less? I was actually hoping you would join us again tomorrow. When we aren't busy in the stalls, the team typically goes out for a morning flight. You've ridden Toothless at this point, right?"

"If by ridden you mean crashed into every rock we could find, then yeah. A-are you sure you want me there?"

I couldn't help but smile at him. All the drama from the village and the added peer pressure had been ridiculous growing up. I only hoped that I could bring him out of his shell a bit, honestly it hurt knowing he didn't even trust me. But, like everything else, that trust had to be earned, and I knew just how to do it.

My father had told me in the meeting that the entire village had been put on lock down which meant the younger Hiccup hadn't seen Toothless lately. As unfortunate as that was, maybe there was a way I could use it in my favor. 

Until then, I did the only thing I could to comfort the boy and put my hand on his shoulder the same way I had with Zephyr and Nuffink. "I think we can handle it."

With that, I left him alone with his thoughts for the time being. I'd just have to wait and see if he showed up the next day, I couldn't make him come after all.

Young Hiccup's P.O.V

He touched me! He actually touched me! No one in the village ever touches me unless I run them over, but he just did! I felt amazed and in awe that someone would even come close enough to touch me. Truth be told, I wasn't entirely sure what had just happened, but I was glad it happened anyway. It didn't matter how nervous I was about tomorrow; this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I wasn't about to let it slip by.  

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