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AN: So,  this might be a little fast paced, in which case I apologize. Please R&R and thank you!

Hiccup's P.O.V.

I was right; I got absolutely no sleep that night. I stayed up daydreaming about what it would be like to meet my future self. He would be the only one to truly understand me, the only one who could sympathize with what I was going through, not to mention he must know everything there is to know about dragons. I mean, just think of the conversations we might have! I kept imagining what he'll look like, I bet he'll have a beard and be very strong. 

I was so content with anticipation that I nearly fell asleep. The key word being nearly. As I was about to drift off, a most disturbing thought came to me: what if he doesn't like me? That woke me up real fast. I tried to shake it off, but I kept thinking about it. He's obviously some incredible dragon rider, why would he want to be reminded of the runt he used to be? What if he was ashamed of me? The more I thought about it the more nervous I became, and it didn't matter how much I reasoned with myself, it just kept coming back to me. I laid down and covered my face with my pillow, tossed and turned, stretched and squirmed but I was wide awake. 

Eventually the sun came up and I forced myself out of bed. I got dressed and made myself look as presentable as I could, combing my hair and flattening out my shirt. This was a big day after all. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and tried to imagine how much I will have changed over the years. Taking one last deep breath, I headed down the stairs and out the door.

A large group had gathered outside of the Great Hall in anticipation of our guest's arrival. I was trying to push my way to the front of the crowd and had nearly succeeded when I bumped into the other teenagers. Just my luck.

"Well, if it isn't the fish bone!" Snotlout growled. "What do you think you're doing here?" 

"Move over Snot. Get out of my way."

"Or what? You really think this guy will put up with you? He's a dragon master! He's not gonna want to be seen with a twig like you."

He was hitting a little too close to home and it was not helping with my confidence. I didn't have it in me to fight with him anymore so I made do with peaking in between the taller Vikings and made my peace with it. There was still a chance. Still a chance that he might, just might, be my friend. That I might be accepted.

Older Hiccup's P.O.V.

We were nearing old Berk, Fishlegs and Nubless the Light Fury on my right, Astrid, Snotlout and the twins on my left. It was strange really, with the Nightlights weaving around the older dragons and Nuffink shifting about in front of me, it almost felt like we were taking a family vacation. Yes, our little family had grown quite a bit over the years, Toothless and I were married and had children, little Fishmeat was now half the size of his mother, and I can honestly say none of us have ever been happier. So why was I so nervous? Because of Grimmel? No. Time travel? Not really. I was worried about my younger self. I was so insecure at that age, I can only imagine how he-I, was feeling about all this. He was probably freaking out, poor thing.

"You're worried about yourself, aren't you?"

I shouldn't be surprised that Astrid could practically read my mind. We'd been married how long now? eleven years?

"What's there to worry about?" asked Snotlout, "It's gonna be great!"

"Yeah!" Answered Tuff, "How cool will it be to hang out with yourself? Like, you can finally talk to yourself, but people won't secretly be wondering if you're crazy."

"I for one, am looking forward to teaching our past selves about all the dragons we've seen over the years." Fishlegs countered. 

I suppose they did have a point and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't even a little bit excited. I guess I'm just afraid of how he'll react, that he won't take it too well.

"What about you kids?" Astrid asked Zephyr and Nuffink, "How do you feel about seeing your whole family as kids?"

"We already hang out with you guys all the time," Zephyr replied, "You'll just be a little younger." 

"Yeah!" Said Nuffink, "And now we can teach you about dragons. It's gonna be fun!" 

Well, at least I didn't have to worry about them. Besides, I really wanted my dad to see his grandchildren even if he wasn't so mellow in this time. But how do I explain our relationships with the dragons? I suppose I'll just have to cross that bridge when I get to it and hope it doesn't collapse in the prosses. 

"Thar' she blows!" Shouted Tuffnut.

"What?" Ruff, his sister asked.

"Berk, it's up ahead." he shrugged.

We were closing in on the island and approaching fast. I could feel my excitement rise as a determined smirk broke out across my lips. This was going to be an adventure, that's for sure. Now if we can only avoid making a scene before we at least land.

"All right gang, let's take this nice and easy, all right? Just fallow my lead."

We came in swift, and I could feel every eye on Berk watching us descend. We made a loop around before landing gracefully in front of the Great Hall, before a large gathering of villagers. And in front of the villagers, my dad and his council. It was easy to tell everyone was on edge, especially Nubless, who beckoned her cubs to gather underneath her wings. Lucky little things.

I hopped off of Toothless's back, taking a few cautious steps forwards. I could feel my heart beating hard inside my chest in anticipation. Frankly, I should probably have been more nervous than I was, but I knew this man, and I wasn't about to back down now.

"Hiccup?" my father asked in awe, stepping forward to meet me.


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