☆ Blood Is Thicker Than Water☆

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I sat in my car, luckily there was no one else on the road so I drove as fast as the speed limit aloud me to.

The whole ride I kept muttering to myself.

" Don't be dead  "

" Don't be dead  "

" Don't be dead  "

" Don't be dead  "

" Don't be dead  "

Until I reached the hospital.
When I reached my dad's room, I saw my mother.. crying..

" I-t doesn't make sense Izuku.. It doesn't make sense.. "

Apparently, my father went out to our pool for one of his usual swims,

But after an hour, my mom went to check on him..

And there he was, floating, lifeless.

There was a rock at the bottom of the pool so my mom thought that it had hit him in the head while he was in the water.

The only explanation was that someone had thrown it at him but...


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