Awakening of an new Ally

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Warning this is my first time writing a story ever. Constructive criticism is appreciated, (and needed). I want this story to make people smile and to just enjoy the Dragonball world as I do. There aren't wild crazy political views here, not fighting over the canonicity of some transformations. Just a world I wish for you to enjoy. Now let's dive into DragonBall Infinite!


"Dad, is he going to be okay?" I heard a voice vaguely from the edge of my conscience. My head was spinning and my eyes were heavy, my arms and legs were in pain. But I couldn't remember why.

"I think he's waking up." A voice of a middle-aged man spoke as I slowly lifted my eyelids, revealing a man with an orange and blue gi, he had black spikey hair that reminded me of a palm tree leaf. He wore a concerned look on his face, now with a hint of relief seeing me awake.

"Where..." I started saying, slowly getting up, my head started pounding like crazy and I fell down as images and feelings flashed through my mind. Fire, pain, purple and red energy clashing with white energy, being knocked back, the sky changing from day to night instantaneously. I heard the scream of a girl... but suddenly my vision cleared and I was sitting on the ground again. The man was speaking and I only caught "...-Okay?"

"What?" I asked groggily.

The man smiled "I asked whether you were OK or not." The man sat down next to me, "My son and I saw you fall from the sky, so we came over to check in on you."

I looked over and saw a miniature version of the man next to him. I sat up a little and looked around. I was in the middle of a crater about 200 feet in diameter. I was wearing a tattered up grey and white baggy pants and no shirt. I spoke weakly "Wait... I.. fell?" Struggling to stand up, body sore, trying to remember what happened. But...

"Nothing.." I said "Wait why? Why can't I remember anything?" I stood up grabbing my head on confusion and fear. "No... no no no..." Suddenly I felt a blast of wind kick up, blowing sand and dust all around me "WHAT'S GOING ON?!" The wind started blowing even harder swirling around me. The man and his kid seemed to be struggling to stay put as the wind kept kicking up. The man and his kid suddenly vanished as I felt something swell inside me, threatening to tear me apart, my vision whited out and I felt myself scream but couldn't hear it. The feeling inside exploded out of me and all I could do was endure it. But as soon as the energy came, it stopped. I felt myself on my feet again and opened my eyes once more and saw the crater I was in increased in size, expanding to about a mile in diameter. I looked down at my hands in disbelief Did I do that? I thought to myself clenching my fists in wonder. 

The man and the child both reappeared in front of me, the man's eyes were wide with shock, and... was that excitement?

"Holy wow! Your energy is amazing!" The man said grinning at me. His son (whom I'm assuming is his son), peeked from behind the man, looking at me with fear and wonder.

I looked at the two of them as my knees wobbled beneath me, "Who are you?" I asked with ragged breathing. The man grinned at me 

"My name is Son Goku," The man said pointing to himself, then patted the mini him on the head "and this is Goten!" He looked at me with a slightly concerned look, "Do you know what your name is?"

I gave a slight bow of respect to both of them. I pondered for a second "I..." I racked my brain until I hit a name that rung the bell of familiarity "Fyren. I think my name is Fyren." I said finally and a feeling of relief washed over me, like a piece of a puzzle that just placed itself in the right spot. The puzzle was nowhere near complete, but it was a start. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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