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*after the concert,the meet n greet*
Latoya:omg I'm finally gonna meet to freakin royal !
Yn:*rolls eyes* yeah yeah yeah let's just get this over with
*they walk up to them*
Latoya: omg it's roc royal I love youuu*faints*
Yn: * sits her on the chair*sorry about my friend she just a HUGE fan of you guys
Roc royal: it's aight
Prodigy: so how come your not fangirling over us ?
Princeton: yeah
Yn: I'm not really a fan of you guys no offense but I like your music
Ray ray: it's cool you seem like a cool chilled person
Princeton: yeah I think you have something in your hair
Yn:really where * touches her hair*
Roc royal: turn around* smirks*
Yn:* turns around*
Yn: really.* smirks* y'all are crazy
Latoya:*wakes up* hey Yn so I just had this dream that we met roc royal in person
Yn:* smiles*umm there right there
Latoya:*turns around* OMGOMG I love you roc royal!!can I have your autograph!
Roc: yeah sure cutie* signs her hand, puts his #on it* there you go call me sometime
Latoya: oh trust me I will
Yn: sorry to rain on your parade put I got to hit the haystack so let's go
Ray ray: hey Yn here's my # maybe we can chill some time
Princeton: why don't you meet us at our crib tomorrow so we can hang
Yn: sure but don't get your hopes up.. Bye
Prodigy: bye yn* hugs her*
Roc royal: bye Yn and Latoya * winks at latoya*
Latoya:* blushes*
Yn:* walking away with latoya*
Princeton: * looking at her ass* dammn
Prodigy : yeah she got a body .. But she seems cool asf
Roc royal: yeah she sexy but I got my eye on latoya* smiling*

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