the end

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She stared down at that pavement far, all the way down way, is that really the only way out?


If it weren't for him, she wouldn't have a second thought.

"F****** b****."

But seriously, did he even want her? She's just a bother, a worthless, why was she even alive?

"I wonder why haven't you killed yourself already?"

Her breath hitched, she felt like something, heavy, was on her chest, she couldn't freely extend it.


Her eyes unconsciously went to her hand, it was covered in bruises, ugly heliotropic circles were covering her whole body, and she could tell by the pain alone that they were still there.

"You're a waste of oxygen."

Drubbing, she got it from everybody.

"You're worthless"

Her father.

"What?! Were you saying something?!"

Her classmates, even upper seniors, Juniors, everybody.

"Suicide is made for people like you."

She wanted, desperately needed somebody by her side, or at least, someone she could talk to.

"Please, please stop! I'm begging you! Please, dad!"

Everything went in her favour after she applied to U.A, the school for heroes, everything should be fine.

"How could someone like her be here?"

She made friends, and she was lucky enough to meet Midoryia, a boy who put other's needs before his, Ochaco, the beautiful bubbly girl, and Momo, her best friend.

"My dad bought me the new, special eduction iOS app, I can give it to you all.. Oh, (name), sorry, I forgot you don't have one.."

Though she was everything the girl isn't, they were best friends.

"(name), buy me a drink. You don't have money, do you? Take this, you can buy whatever you need with it, too."

Though it sometimes felt like she was rubbing this fact at her face, but that was her imagination.

"Wait, I want muchui green tea, I don't trust your taste to buy me."

Rich, beautiful, smart, outgoing, great quirk, great personality, everything she lacks.

"Haha, I'm just joking."

How could be jealous of her best friend! How lowlife is she?!

"What? You're trying to be the class president? Good luck with that!"

Then she fell in love, hard. She fell in love with his confidence, she fell in love with his strong will, she fell in love with his hard work, she fell in love with his determination.

"Huh? What did you say to me?"

She was blind to it all.


She was blind when it came to his attitude.

"You! Fuck face!"

She was blind when it came to his indifference.

"You want something?!"

She was blind to all the signs.

"What did you wanna say?"
"I... I...... I love you!"
An explosive noise brought her head up, small noise of surprise left her lips. Something black hit her chest, then landed on the ground.

It Was Then When She Realized (Todoroki X reader)Where stories live. Discover now