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The stone was always shining, like it was being polished every minute, no dust hovered over it, a fresh bouquet of flowers was put every day.


Yet, why did it feel so gloomy, and distant?

Peace Lily.

The old undertaker, a man whose face was hated by the sun, frowned his eyebrows in sympathy; for who would not when staring at a young boy in his young teens, still wearing his school's uniform, hovering over a stone, no more, no less.


That stone must be holding him from a beloved, a dear one at that; for he has been coming every day, replacing the bouquet, polishing the stone, grieving over them for the past two weeks.


Sighing, the man had lost his, as people would call it, sanity; but could you blame him? He has separated lots from their families and friends, burying them under the dirt.


Holding his back, the man took shelter from the one who hated him, guiding his stick through the sea of buried corpses.


Todoroki Shoto stared at the stone, standing, unweaving under his gaze, as if mocking him. The boy did truly hope it would stop its messing, and just bring his loved one back.

If it was for the boy to choose, he would've stayed beside the one he had let down, the one he murdered. Though, if it wasn't for Midoriya, he wouldn't have even gotten out of his room, nor go to his school.

"(Y/n) wouldn't want that, she wouldn't want you to abandon your dreams, she wouldn't want you to grieve over her like that

That's true; she's far too kind for her to want that.

He crouched down, still staring at the stone, the name curved in; he traced the letters with his finger. Once her name was finished, he slowly took out a towel, and began polishing the stone.

He had paid some undertaker to take care of it, watering the flowers near her, polishing it, and etcetera. Yet, he wouldn't shake the feeling that he needed to clean it; that's the least he could do.

Gently rubbing the stone, he wondered what would have happened if he had caught her hand. Would she have smiled the way she did?

His gaze turned to the bouquet of chrysanthemums flowers, and he threw it away; it was so disturbing looking at, with its petals almost dead, not worthy of being in her presence.

"Hang tight. This one's on me. You come here every day; it's the least I can do."

But, no matter how much he threw the bouquets, he would always find them planted near her, probably the undertaker's doing.

. He placed another bouquet fresh and new, standing up and leaving

That's how he should grieve.

"Ha? Half-and-half bastard. So you're the one who puts these bouquets?"

The said boy merely ignored the ash blonde, continuing in his merry way, his head facing the ground.

"-Oi! Don't you dare"

He was out of his sight, making Bakugou shake in pure rage.

Despite his temper, the ash blonde knew he shouldn't pick up with the boy; after all, Bakugou was the cause of his state right now.

It Was Then When She Realized (Todoroki X reader)Where stories live. Discover now