🤫They want your attention🤫

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Tenya Iida
He will start saying strange stuff, because Iida doesn't know how to start a conversation with you to get your attention. "Hey, [Y/n], wouldn't it be cool if after we died we could see top 5 times we almost died?"


Denki Kaminari
He will annoy the hell out of you, will call your name 50 times

"[Y/n], [Y/n], [Y/n], [Y/n]."

"What, denki?"

"I kinda have a crush on you" Said Kaminari while having a huge smile on his face

"Were literally dating??!!"

Eijiro Kirishima
He will try to take you out somewhere to hang out and have fun together so that all of your attention would be on him then.

Shoto Todoroki
Will come and hug you from behind, will want to cuddle with you, watch some movies. You being close to him is enough for Shoto.

Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki will come and straight up say "[Y/n], I want your attention." While looking away to hide his blush.

Izuku Midoriya
"Mom, how to get your girlfriend's attention?" Or will search it on wikihow.

"So [Y/n], what's your favorite color?"

Honestly, just a bunch of questions that he already knows the answer to.

Tamaki Amajiki
To awkward to do anything. Will just quietly sit next to you, sometimes rest his head on your shoulder. Doesn't want to be too annoying

Hitoshi Shinso
"I'm sleepy, let's sleep together." Sometimes he won't be, but will say that just to get your attention and to cuddle with you.

Lots and lots of kisses, hugs. Won't  stop until he is satisfied with your attention.

Tomura Shigaraki
Won't really do much. May pretend that he is sick or hurt because he knows how much you care about him.

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