Chapter 4.

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Having someone to talk to made Nicholas consider options that he normally wouldn't. He did have a therapist, but before meeting Isla he wasn't really taking full advantage of his sessions. The more he spoke to her however, the more it made him want to put the work in to recover.

Hey Isla,

I'm feeling really good today. I had a very good therapy session where I made a big decision: I've decided to try medication alongside my therapy. I'm also learning about mindfulness and meditation. You should try it sometime, it's actually kind of nice. I wanted to give you something since you've helped me so much already. I hope you enjoy it :)

Nick x

Nick had enclosed his Mario Kart game chip. A risky move, but something he knew she'd enjoy. One of her siblings had recently got a console, so she'd be able to play it.

People around Nick had begun noticing the change in him. They didn't know about the notes, but they could see that he was regaining interest in life again for the first time since his anxiety really took hold. His mother even said that she was glad to catch him smiling again.

Isla on her side was also making progress. Through Nick she was learning a lot about friendship and dealing with mental illness. Those two things combined made her begin to make friends in unconventional ways, such as at a charity event to raise awareness of anxiety. Thanks to his encouragement she'd gained some confidence in herself and was a little further down the path of acceptance.

Hey Nick,

Thanks for the game! My sister and I played it all night. You have some serious high scores on there that we're trying to beat. I'm proud of you for all your progress, I really am. I hope that one day we can meet so I can tell you in person.

P.S: Don't expect the game back soon ;) Isla x

Isla had finally mentioned meeting, the topic they usually skipped around. She knew that Nick probably wasn't ready, but she wanted to put it out there that she was willing to meet him whenever he felt comfortable.

In all of their notes they'd never described themselves, but Isla knew that it didn't matter. She'd accept him no matter what he looked like.

Hey Isla,

Keep the game as long as you like. I'm happy that you're enjoying it with your family. As for meeting...I hope to one day, when I'm ready. We could go to one of my favorite places, or one of yours. I think it will be one day soon with the way I'm progressing.

I just wanted to say, I bring your keyring everywhere with me. It always reminds me that I'm supported you know? I thought you should know that.

Have a nice weekend! Nick x

Over the weekends they couldn't chat to each other because the library was closed and the two didn't go into town. Isla took those days to write longer notes, closer to letters, updating Nick on elements of her life she'd left out of the notes. Nick loved reading those long notes when he got them, keeping every single one. Neither of them knew it yet, but they both kept and treasured their notes in a special box, looking back at them when life was getting them down.

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