Chapter 15: The Perfect Hideout.

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After entering Hell through the pentagram, Wes went through another one that him to his old cabin in the forest. "I should be safe here, until I close down there investigation," Wes said. "Hopefully it'll close."

Suddenly outside the cabin, Wes heard someone pull up in front of it. "Oh god," Wes said. "Better not be those pigs I escaped from." Wes then got out of the cabin, and noticed the Grave Master's automobile pulled up in front, and the Grave Master himself got out. "Ah, there you are, Master Grimes," Kyle said. "I thought you would still be in the city." "I was, until the police noticed me," Wes commented. "Good thing I escaped quickly, so what do you want?"

"Master Raymond, and I have found the perfect spot for your revenge to take place," Kyle explained. "He's already gathering bait as we speak as well. The Devil has instructed me to bring you there. Would you like an escort there?" "If it can get the police off my back then alright," Wes said, and followed the Grave Master into his automobile.

Hours later, the Grave Master, and Wes arrived at the abandoned tower, where they got out. "We might as well take the elevator," Kyle said. "It's the only thing in this building that works, and if you can't tell, the stairs are laced with traps." "Sounds good to me," Wes commented. "I didn't even think this place had power." "Well, Master Raymond hacked the power box to this tower, making it possible for us to make upper transport," Kyle explained. "There's more to see in him, then just his mask."

After pressing the button for the top floor, Wes, and the Grave Master entered the elevator, which brought them to that floor. On that floor, the Incubi were installing a cam contacting device which connects from the real world, to Hell, and also polishing their sub-machine guns. The Grave Master then got closer to the contacting device, he turned on messaging the Devil who was at his desk. "Ah, Wesley, Kyle," Satan said. "I was wondering when I'd last hear from you two. Where's Raymond by the way?" "He's out getting bait for the millionaire head of Knight Corp right now as we speak," Kyle explained. "Perfect, that means our plan is coming into place," Satan said. "My camera crew will arrive to your location, before he gets there with the bait."

"Let's make this quick," Wes said. "I almost got busted by a detective because of my mob fight massacre." "Just have a sense of patience, Wesley," Satan explained. "We still have a ton of stuff to do before your enemy can die, because he's not the only man we're trapping." "Indeed, the gunslinger that sabotaged your previous revenge attempt last year for one," Kyle agreed. "We'll have to bait him as well." The Grave Master then pulled out a large bird cage. "The gunslinger is useless without his feathered sidekick, so if you'll excuse me, I'm going bird watching," Kyle explained, and went up to the room. "Lame phrase," Wes said.


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