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This story is for my new friend homosexual_bleach I'm sorry if its terrible but I tried.

RK900's POV

I'm standing in Fowler's office waiting for my new partner to arrive.

"Why is he always fucking late when I want to see him?" Fowler whispers.

I start to look around his office and as I do I see a picture on the wall of what seems to be Fowler with a little girl. I analyse the picture and I find out it's his daughter.

Just then Fowler's office door opens and in walks a man with a faded scar over the bridge of his nose.

"So your finally here." Fowler says to no one in particular.

"What do you want me for?"

Fowler replies, "You will now be working with this android he is a RK900 model."

I step forward and put my hand out for a hand shake.

"I HAVE TO WORK WITH THAT!" Gavin shouts.

"Yes now get along and get out of my sight." Fowler says.

Gavin rushes out of the door and straight to his desk. I walk towards his desk and sit at the desk opposite of him.

"Detective would you like to give me a name?" I question.

"I don't give a shit but your name can be Nines." Gavin replies.

I sit at the desk and wonder when we are going to go on our first assignment together. Just then my LED flashes yellow as I get a case.

"Detective we have a case." I say as I look at him.


We stand up and walk to his car he gets in the drivers seat and I get in the passenger seat.

As soon as Gavin starts to drive he turns the radio on. I immediately realise this is a sign that he doesn't want to talk.

Gavin turns the radio off as we pull up outside of the house. We get out the car and walk into the crime scene.

In the living room there were two android women laying on the ground they were both covered in Thirium. The thirium was 2 days old so it was invisible to the human eye.

I follow the trail of blood into the kitchen where I find a poster on the wall. I pull at the corner and it reveals a hole in the wall with a knife and a bat in it.

I check them for finger prints and find some. Jeremy Hunter. I reconstruct what happened and figure out that Jeremy hit them both with a bat and then stabbed them (28 sTaB wOuNdS).

I walk over to Gavin who is looking at the androids.

"Detective I know what happened."

He jumps a little as I spoke.

"Ok then dipshit what is it?" He asks.

"Jeremy Hunter broke in by smashing the kitchen window and in the kitchen he grabbed a bat and a knife. He hit them with the bat and then stabbed them."

Gavin is quiet for a moment then says, "Let's go back to the station and see if he has a criminal record."


"He has murdered a few people before but these were the first androids." I say.

Gavin nods and says, "Does it say where he lives?"

I skim read and nod when I find his address. Then we get in the car and drive off.


We find him and handcuff him. I put him in the back of the police van and then get in the car with Gavin and we head back to the station.

As Gavin pulls up I get out and walk straight to my desk and start to work on the case report.


Gavin stands up as his shift is over.

"Detective where do I go?"

"You can stay here tin can." He replies.

I nod and carry on doing some work.

I know it's bad but hopefully it gets better. Key work hopefully.

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