Chapter 3: Fire and Ice

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The second Luna opened the door, the assaulting smell of smoke hit her nostrils with enough force to knock her back a step. The sound of the impacts were deafening and she knew there was no going back. Covering her mouth and nose with her cardigan, she began the decent to the floors below her. Moving as fast as she could, she swung herself around the turns, trying not to trip. She knew that if she did, she might not get out of this alive.

Another large impact threw her off balance, this one closer. Smaller rocks were flying around her hitting the walls and melting the railings leading down to her escape. Where am I even going?  She thought. She realized that going outside could kill her, but staying inside doesn't give her a better chance. This was a lose-lose situation. But that wouldn't stop her from trying. Staying in a burning building was guaranteed death; she HAD to get outside.

Sweat was pouring down Luna's face, mixing with soot and making her eyes burn. The smoke was thick like vaporized tar. She could smell her hair burning and she felt wisps of flame reaching up and licking her legs. She couldn't see. Shutting her eyes, she felt her way down to the first floor, running head first into the door. It burned. Reeling back in pain, she forced her hand out to reach for the door knob. Her fingers found it, but white hot pain shot up her arm making her scream. This is it, she thought, this is how i die.

Throwing the singed cardigan over her head, she backed up and kicked the door with all the energy she could muster. Pain shot up her leg making her realize that she just kicked a door that opens in, not out. But she couldn't think about that right now, she just needed to get OUT. There was no other option. She couldn't go back up, there was only out. Not ready to accept defeat, she kicked the door again sending dull pain throughout her body. Maybe the fire had weakened the wood. Again, she kicked, and again. Her leg felt ready to fall off.

She backed up for one more, feeling her sprained ankle, making her wince in pain. She ducked as she heard another meteorite come through the wall and hit the ground a few feet away. Her breathing was shallow, eyes were burning, heart was beating out of her chest. The small room was closing in around her. Her mind was easing her into unconsciousness.

With a huge bang, the door in front of her flew open, the smoke was sucked out and the air cleared for a split second. As the smoke crept back in, she felt yourself being lifted into the air and rushed into the entrance. She was being cradled by a pair of large, muscular arms holding her tight as she was carried through to the cold air outside. Fresh air was forced into her lungs and she went limp. Allowing herself to be carried away into the night.

As the smoke cleared, she found herself being laid down gently on the grass. Looking up, she saw her savior. His dark hair sticking to his face with sweat, eyes glimmering emerald green in the light of the fire, the look of concern furrowing his brow. His unsmiling lips were stern and still. It was him. The guy from across the street she had been drooling over for the past 24 hours.

He released her from his arms, turning back to look at the remains of the town. His dark undershirt was burned, his pink flesh peaking out from underneath, irritated by the flames. Thank god i put on pants tonight, she thought, as he turned around to face her.

"Stay here," his voice was like caramel, dripping out of his mouth and into Luna's ears. He sounded exactly as she had imagined. "I have to go back." He stood up turning back to the town just as a huge blow threw them both backwards, his back colliding with her chest. A car parked a few meters away, had exploded.  It's bumper flew past her, hitting a tree and ricocheting off towards her. He threw his arms around her and pulled her out of the trajectory of the flying metal.

She was on her back, looking up into his eyes, like pools of tropical water. The sweat dripped off his nose, landing on her cheek. He sat up abruptly as if embarrassed and turned his head away. She tried to sit up, but her body was fighting her. Every inch of her was in intense pain. Her skin was on fire, eyes stung like knives had been pushed into them, and she realized her shallow breathing. Fingers tingling, her eyes threatening to close, she was able to say one thing before losing consciousness: "Thank you."

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