Chapter 20: Home?

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Adam left the shower first, handing a towel to Luna. She looked up at his dripping face and smiled. His wet hair fell around his face, framing his perfect smile. He held out his hand. She took it and stepped out of the shower. He had wrapped the towel around his waist after drying his hair with it.

He looked down at her smiling face, leaning in for a kiss. Luna couldn't help herself, and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Adam said with a smile.

"For a second there, I forgot the world ended." Luna said in between giggles.

"The world didn't end." He said, tucking the hair behind her ear. "I found you and that's when our world began."

She blushed and pulled him into an embrace. He was right, her life was boring and plain before all of this. She was going nowhere. Amidst all of the chaos and death, she had a new life. And some one to love. That's all you really need.

They stayed there for a few minutes, holding each other until Adam pulled away.

"We should rejoin the land of the living." He smiled and motioned towards the stack of t shirts and pants. She had been so enchanted by him that she forgot they were in a house full of people!

Her face grew hot as she blushed. He laughed and handed her a purple tank top. She slipped it over her head and threw on some black yoga pants. She found a hair binder on the sink and put her hair up in a messy bun.

Adam chose a plain black shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. If they were going to face the apocalypse, they might as well be comfortable.

Adam slowly opened the door, looking around. It was impossible that no one had heard them. All of the bedroom doors were open and the rooms were empty. Not a good sign, Luna thought.

Stella met them in the hall and followed them down the stairs to the kitchen. The smell of coffee filled the air and surrounded Luna like a warm hug. She took a deep breath and followed the scent to the counter where mugs were laid out for every one next to the stove where Bob was stirring a pot filled with coffee.

"Good morning, you two." Maggie smiled. She was sitting on a chair next to the table with a mug of hot coffee in her hand and a half eaten pop tart in the other.

"Good morning," Luna said, as Bob poured her a cup of coffee. She caught his eye for a second and noticed that he was not happy.

"There will be none of that in this house'" he said to her with a scowl.

"None of wh—" Adam started, Bob cutting him off.

"We all know what you were doing this morning. This is a house of God." Bob said assertively. They both nodded, Luna blushed and looked at Maggie. She had averted her eyes, not wanting to get involved.

Luna wasn't religious. Her fathers side of the family was very very Christian and her mother's side was atheist. She got along better with her mother's side as she had cousins her own age that she grew up with.

Luna took her mug of coffee and chose the seat next to Maggie at the table. There was a box of pop tarts open in front of her but she didn't quite feel comfortable enough to take one.

Adam sat across from her. Luna could hear talking coming from the living room.

"But what are we supposed to do then?" Freddie said, sounding annoyed.

"I don't know! I just know that he said this was temporary for every one except us." Gary said.

Luna scooted out her chair and approached the living room quietly so she could continue listening.

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