Chapter 4: As The Dust Settles

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"G--good morning." Luna stuttered, tripping over her words as he loomed over her. His hair was wet and dripping as if he just got out of a steamy shower. But the water bottles in his hand told a different story. Eyes wandering to his neck, she saw a deep purple bruise forming, fading into his broad, muscular shoulders. He leaned over and raised two bottle of water towards her, hands so large he could fit both bottles in one.

She took one, fingers lightly brushing his. And she felt her cheeks growing hot, though she didn't think it was visible through her red, irritated skin. A smile crept over his face, showing a set of perfect, porcelain teeth. Was he just a figment of her imagination? No one was that perfect and trauma could certainly cause that. 

"You're bleeding," He said, eyes scanning Luna's shoulder. His voice melted her like honey. He pulled a rag out of the back pocket of his jeans, pouring water over it. Kneeling next to her, he gently pressed the cloth to her aching skin, careful to not cause any pain. The cold felt amazing, water dripping down her back, soaking into her shirt. "This may hurt a little," He wiped way some of the scabbed blood, sending shocks through her torso.

"I'm sorry," he said, placing his other hand on her lower back, forcing butterflies into her stomach. "I'm Adam."

As Luna turned her head to face him, nothing could have prepared her for the being that close to his face. She could feel his warm breath on her cheek, his eyes were a deep green with golden undertones, making her think of a lush forest. She knew she should respond, but forming words was suddenly the hardest thing she had ever had to do, and she just ran from meteorites. Voice shaking, she introduced yourself.

" I'm Luna," she said said, voice shaking. "Your're the one who saved me. Thank you"

"You're welcome, I couldn't let the mysterious girl from across the street burn to death." He laughed. It was like music, she could see the smile in his eyes now. Memories of being caught on the roof two nights prior, flooded her mind. Once again, her cheeks flooded with color and her heart sank a little.

"I'm so sorry about that." Luna looked down at her legs, hoping he didn't notice the embarrassment sweeping over her face. She closed her eyes for only a second, before she felt his fingers on her chin, pulling her back up to face him.

"It's ok," he said with a large smile reaching across your face, "I couldn't stop thinking about you either." He examined her face, like he was trying to memorize it. If it weren't for her already rosy cheeks, he would have seen her blushing harder than she ever had in her life. He gently brushed her hair behind her ear. She wanted to melt into him like warm butter.

Collecting herself, the pain in her shoulder resurfaced. She winced and examined her throbbing hand. He took it in his hand, three times bigger than her own. Pouring water on it and replacing the rag. "We're going to have to find something to put on that," he placed her hand back into her lap and looked back to the smoldering town.

He narrowed his eyes, thinking hard about something. Lips parting, he took a deep breath, raising his chest and letting it fall like waves on a beach. Luna sighed, and looked as well. She knew he was thinking about going back. Back into the smoke and ruins of their former life.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a man leaning up against the shattered tree fiddling with a phone. He looked distressed, frantically touching the screen. "No service!" He exclaimed, throwing the phone to the side, one hand covering his face. It bounced off the grass with a thud. "Does any one else have a phone?" He was older, maybe in his 50's, gray peeking through his short brown hair. His face hardened, Luna could see the years wearing on him.

"Do you have a phone?" He looked at her, furrowing his brow. "Some one has to have a phone!"

"I'm sorry, I don't have anything." Luna said, looking down at herself. She had nothing. Nothing but what she was wearing and the bottle of water. Looking up at Adam, he shrugged. He didn't look like he had much more. She wondered where the water came from. Fucking gorgeous, magic giant, she thought.

"We have to go back and look around." Adam said to Luna, "We need to contact some one, or at least look for supplies or a place to stay until help comes." Her heart sunk. She didn't want to go back there. She knew her home was destroyed. There was nothing for her there. But, she couldn't stay here. Yes, the hill was nice, but what if it rains? Or snows? They were in Minnesota after all.

Sighing, she lifted herself up to look around. There was a group of people down the hill a little from her, the older woman, Maggie, and 5 small children. The were bruised and dirty. The youngest, only wearing a diaper. Where are their par— her thought trailed off as her gaze shifted to the town in ruins. Where is anybody?

Adam reached a hand towards her, helping Luna to her feet. His hand gently enveloped her undamaged one, but she could feel his strength. A dull pain resonated in her thighs. Yep, still out of shape, she thought. Stumbling, she centered herself. She could see down the hill better now. Only about 30 people surrounded her. Then she saw him, Tyler was alive!

"Tyler!" She yelled down the hill. He turned his head to face her. Oh my god, she thought. Upon turning, she could see his whole face, only half of which was recognizable. His left eye was swollen shut, bloodied and bruised. His cheekbone was hidden by coagulated blood but, he still managed a smile. 

When she tried to run over to him, she tripped over her toes, realizing she wasn't wearing shoes. What kind of an idiot doesn't wear shoes to the apocalypse?  She thought, giggling. She walked the rest of the way, cringing every time she used her sprained ankle. Stella followed her, watching her every move like she was told to watch over her. It was comforting. 

Luna didn't know much about Adam, but she could tell he cared about her. Not sure why, she thought, he just met her the day before and they hadn't even really had a conversation. None the less, Stella tailing her made her feel safe. Damn my damsel in distress mentality. 

She reached Tyler, who was sitting on the ground, looking up at her. She knelt next to him and stared. His good eye was watering, she could tell he was holding back tears. Looking at her, his smile disappeared, and he looked distraught. 

"What happened?" Luna asked softly. "Did you make it home?" He couldn't hold back any longer, he let his tears flow down his face. 

"I-- I made it home." He sniffed and winced  at the pain in his face. "My mom--she--was just getting home from work"

She could see the pain in his eyes, something happened, something bad. He opened his mouth again to speak, but she leaned over and hugged him, stopping him from talking about it. She already knew what happened. He tensed up against her touch, body shaking. She held him there for a second before he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight, as if she would disappear. Stella walked up beside them and laid down, head next to Tyler's leg. 

They sat there, Tyler sobbing. Wishing it would stop, wishing none of this had happened. She thought about her apartment, it may have been small and gross, but it was home. Then she thought about the diner, and how it was the only place in town that would hire her. She hated it there, but it was a job and she had Tyler, the one person who seemed to care about her. Nothing would ever be the same again. Nothing would ever be back to the way it was. 

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