Story I told my sister so she would shut up

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Once upon a time, there was a barnacle named Alexander, and he was really beautiful. All the fish in the sea loved him, and he lived them back.

So one day, he got bored of living in the bay of California, and decided to move to Miami. In Miami, he made two friends named Sofia and Tyler.

Sofia helped him move around anywhere he wanted to go, and Tyler just kept his mouth shut and followed them around.

Then, they traveled all the way to an uninhabited island, where Tyler decided that he wanted to pursue his dreams of becoming a llama.

He then turned into a llama so Sofia could ride on him. She proceeded to climb on his back and ride into the sunset.

However, Alexander the barnacle was all alone now, stranded on an uninhabited island, or so he thought, because just then, a man walked up to him.

The man offered to give Alexander the power to become anything at any time, so that he could do whatever he wanted.

Alexander said yes, and turned into a whale so he could travel the world. However, he soon had seen the world, and began to grow bored.

He had seen everything, yet the thing he wanted most was to go back to his hometown off the coast of California. He traveled thousands of miles, and made it back.

When he got there, he expected the fish and creatures to be angry with him. And he was right. They told him to leave and never come back.

Then, he left and sat at the bottom of the ocean to rot for all eternity.

The End.

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