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chapter 1

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chapter 1

" the person i needed most taught me that i need nobody. "

Altair's eyes slowly opened, the blaring sunlight greeting him from his window. It made him wince and he rolled onto his side as he yawned. He had to go drop off supplies at Jakku that day. With a disgruntled sigh, he got up and dressed. He walked out of his room and wandered around, searching for Ahsoka. His little quest took him to his ship, The Valkyrie and there he found his mentor. She was busy moving supplies inside for their assignment that day.

"Good morning, Sunshine." Ahsoka smirked as he walked over.

"... It's not morning, is it?" He questioned, rubbing his eyes.

"No, it's not. I let you sleep for longer." She shrugged.

"Uh-huh..." Altair nodded.

She gestured for him to help and he got to work. Within a couple minutes, they had everything loaded in. The duo then headed on their way, thankfully, the journey passed by soon enough. The Valkyrie landed on Jakku, their destination. They were bringing supplies to the village where Lor San Tekka lived. Altair and Ahsoka got to work on unloading. It was meant to be a small mission but they still chose to be quick in their task. Mostly because Altair didn't like sand.

After a while the sound of an X-Wing had landed beside the Valkyrie with one other than Poe Dameron jumping out. He was there to retrieve the last part of the map leading to Luke Skywalker... Altair's father, who didn't actually know that Poe was there to get said map.

"Look who it is, your flyboy." Ahsoka smirked.

Altair rolled his eyes, "Yeah, no. He's not my flyboy." He deadpanned.

She laughed and turned to finish their job. He exchanged a glance with Poe, sighing, he went against his own thoughts.

"Hey, Dameron. If you're here for Lor he's in that hut over there." Altair said, pointing at it.

"Thanks." Poe replied, heading off in said direction.

Altair watched him go, Ahsoka rolled her eyes in the background as she offloaded the last of the supplies.

"You are absolutely smitten." She sighed.

The man turned to look at her, bewildered. Ahsoka smirked at the look on his face, crossing her arms.

"Absolutely not." He snapped.

Poe's droid, BB-8 sped past them. They shared a glance before looking in the distance. Shuttles were arriving, which made them realise why the small droid was so panicked. It was the First Order. It made Altair want to stay but Ahsoka couldn't let him. She rushed over to Lor, who agreed that they both needed to leave. Before Altair could say anything, she dragged him onto the Valkyrie. They were heading back to the Resistance base, which was going to be a long trip.

Altair had held himself up in his room, he had spent his time sitting at a large round table sketching out designs for things he'd never use when Ahsoka knocked on his door. He said to just come in and she did.

"Listen. I'm sorry we had to just leave." She said.

"You shouldn't be apologising. You did what you had to do." Altair replied.

"Then why are you annoyed?" Ahsoka asked.

"I keep getting this weird feeling that we should go to Takodana."

"Not to speak to Maz?"


His mentor hummed in thought, putting a hand to her jaw. She looked at Altair and he stood up.

"I think we should go there. Just in case." He said.


Altair and Ahsoka arrived at Maz's Palace. They looked around for her and as soon as she saw them, she wasted no time in greeting them.

"It's good to see you two. Altair, how are you and that flyboy of yours?" She smirked.

"He's not my flyboy. I actually hate him." He deadpanned.

Maz laughed, taking an empty plate from a patron and walking off. The duo followed after her quietly.

"What can I do for you?" She asked.

Altair looked at Ahsoka and she merely shrugged. He sighed and returned his attention to Maz.

"I dunno. I kept getting a weird feeling that I should be here." He said.

"Interesting." Maz said, taking cups and putting them on the plate, finally putting them on a table. She stopped right after, a weird vibe washed over her and she spun around, "Han Solo!"

"There's your answer." Ahsoka smirked.

"Go sit over at that table there, I'll handle Han." Maz said, pointing at it.

Altair breathed in and out nervously, Ahsoka chuckled and guided him to the table. The duo sat down and waited. Maz eventually walked over with Han, a droid and two people they obviously didn't know.

"This is Rey and Finn, the droid is BB-8." Han introduced.

Maz nodded, "You already know Ahsoka... And well... You already know Altair." She said, sitting down.

"Hold on. Altair as in-?" Han started.

"Yeah, long lost Altair Fallon." He interrupted, a small nervous smile on his face.

"Does Leia know you're alive?" Han asked.

"Yep, she's known for a while." Altair replied awkwardly.

"As much as I'd love to watch this reunion, why are you here, Han?" Maz asked, butting into the awkward conversation.

Han explained everything. Altair almost breathed out an audible sigh of relief at her butting in, but quickly jumped back to BB-8.

"Holy shit! You guys have BB-8! Wait, where's Dameron?" He questioned.

Finn furrowed his eyebrows, "You know Poe?" He asked.

"Yeah? I hate the guy, he sucks but why is BB-8 with you guys?" Altair asked.

"Poe was captured by the First Order, I got him out. But we crashed on Jakku and got separated, I met Rey and BB-8. Now we're here." Finn replied, putting it simply.

"Well, I'm not taking the droid back to the Resistance." Maz smiled.

"Maz, please." Han said.

"No. You've been running from this fight for too long. Go home." She told him.

Han sighed, "Leia wouldn't wanna see me."

Rey looked between her and Han, she glanced at Altair for a moment. He looked back at her and got immediately got a weird vibe. As if he knew her... Or was supposed to know her. She looked at Maz.

"What fight?" She asked.

"The fight against the dark side. Through the ages I've seen evil take many forms. The Sith, the Empire and now the First Order. It's up to us to face them, fight them. All of us." Maz replied.

"There isn't any fight against the First Order. Not one we can win.-" Finn started, going on to ramble as Maz started to shift her googles before climbing onto the table.

Finn got nervous asking Han what she was doing, to which he said it wasn't good. Ahsoka just watched as she ate fruit silently. Altair on the other hand was more focused on BB-8. Finn left and Rey chased after him. Maz turned to Han,

"Who's the girl?"

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