Frat Parties

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The typical frat party looks like a club, but not dressed like one. There is music blaring so loud you can't hold a conversation. There are frat boys in the bathroom smashing beer cans over their heads, screaming. Everyone is wearing shorts, skinny jeans, crop tops, or just normal shirts. Sometimes they're even wearing sweatpants, joggers, and leggings. Nobody is wearing heeled shoes. A college favorite is vans that are usually so stained with dirt and a mixture of alcohol they've become the "designated party shoe".
Alcohol is not handed out. You show up as drunk as possible and put your remaining alcohol in a water bottle. Open containers are not allowed. This can cause a lot of trouble.
The cops are aware of the parties. The fraternities actually have to go through the school to have a party. Police officers can tell you're drunk and they will offer you a ride home if you are walking by yourself. You will not get into trouble unless you have an obvious open container. If someone gets seriously hurt at a party and emergency services are required, those at the party are granted amnesty (which means you will not get into any legal trouble for drinking underage). This is to help ensure everyone is safe while partying, the college and the police would rather have somebody's life saved with a bunch of drunk minors than have a somebody seriously hurt and the college students too fearful to do anything about it.
Most frat guys are nice. They will offer to walk you home in a large group. If they see you being harassed or anything suspicious going on, they will kick the person making you uncomfortable out. Drugs are also not allowed.
Parties are also almost ALWAYS listed. This means there are sober frat guys at the entrance to their house, with long lists or paper or a laptop, and the only way to get in is if you have connections or are on the list. Every sorority is on the list. Not all fraternities are on the list. It is possible to get into a party without being on the list but it is kind of a hassle at the front.

With frat parties comes a "blacklist", which is basically a list of individuals that are absolutely under any circumstances NOT allowed in the frat. People on these lists are both men and women and usually if you get blacklisted from one frat, the word catches around and you won't be allowed in any. This is for a range of reasons but the number 1 is to keep everyone safe and comfortable while partying. People can get blacklisted for messing with furniture, being too messy while drunk (throwing up everywhere is a main one), having a suspicious background (sexual harassment allegations), and disrespecting the house. One girl in my old sorority smoked a cigarette in the living room. She cannot get into any party on campus now.

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