Greek Life

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Sorority girls are not very stereotypical. They are typically very smart and have a lot of rules such as: maintaining a 3.0 GPA, not being pictured obviously drunk or with alcohol in hand, and when talking to people about their house they can't bring up the 4 B's (books, boys, booze, oBama). In other words, the B's are their grades, their sex life, alcohol, or politics. Talking about religion is also frowned upon.
MEN ARE NOT ALLOWED IN SORORITIES. Besides the kitchen, the living room, and anything else really on the first floor, men are not allowed. Having a man in your room will get you kicked out. Having a man in any part of the house besides the designated areas will get you fined or kicked out.
Fraternities are gross. The carpet is usually stained with alcohol and dirt. It smells really bad at all hours of the day. Women are allowed anywhere in frats. It is not uncommon that the bathrooms in frats are used by both men and women, often at the same time. Almost every time I went into the bathroom stall I would walk out to a guy using the urinal or showering, nobody really cares. The guys are also not that stereotypical, they are very diverse in all aspects.

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