Chapter 2

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Zander's P.O.V.

"Where are we going Zander? We've been driving for hours!" Riley complained.

"I told you ten times! We're going to Kirk's house. He said he has a surprise for us. Probably some new video game he bought."

Kirk's my best friend. We've known each other since Kindergarden. He's the kind of friend who should have more friends if he wasn't so shy in public. We both love video games. Like, a lot. I taught him how to play Legend of Zelda Ocarina. Ever since, he's never been the same. Now every other day, he'll come up with new games that he bought or show us his game ideas for when he's a video game designer. 

After about thrity minutes of driving, we got to Kirk's house. He lived with his sister April who's four years older then he is. She's always been very fond of me. Like, VERY fond of me. Riley tends to get  jelous when April flirts with me.

I knocked on Kirk's door and almost immideatly, he answered. He pulled me by my shirt collar and dragged me inside. Riley followed curiously. "Dude, I need to show you something. It's kind of important. I was going to show you this game I made, but something TERRIBLE happened!" He was speaking faster then he normaly is able to talk. Riley laughed at how frantic he was acting, but regreted it when Kirk gave her a death glare.

"LOOK!" He said pointing towards the TV. It was a news report. I watched and didn't see the importance, until I heard it. 

'TAMFU productions, or the Technology Association Made For Us, as been finally granted acceptance from all the major video game companies to replace all games with a new program which will be a sorce of learning. These learning techniques are said, to create the "perfect mind" for whoever uses them, which will make them extremely smart. But the strange part, is that this device is said to work in under two minutes. I think I speak for everyone when I say, What? How? And what will happen to all our favorite video games? I'm Penny Horrton, back to you Jim.'

I stood there with my mouth wide open. TAMFU has been trying to get rid of video games for years! They always thought that the characters in the games gave off a bad message and that the games should be replaced with something that brightens the mind. From what I've heard, they don't just want to make people smarter, they want to almost, brainwash them into all the same people. No personality, no emotion, and no abilty to feel. Riley was as angry as I was. 

"IS THIS FOR REAL?!?!?!? This can't be true!!!! What are we going to do?" she yelled. All of a sudden, Kirk became calm and almost, sneaky.

"I'm glad you said that Riley," he said with a smirk "Because I have an idea. An idea, so crazy that you might send me to the funny farm. So crazy, that you might walk out this door and never agree to see me again. SO CRAZY, that-"

"Kirk!" I yelled "Get to the point."

"Gladly. Follow me."

Authors Note!!

I know that probably nobody is reading this, but if you are, I want to thank you. Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, and vote and maybe even show to your friends...? I added a cast, if you are interested. I'll write more frequently and I hope you like it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment and tell me if you like the story at all. Thanks!! :)

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