Chapter 3

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Zander's P.O.V.

"Remember when I read you guys that article about how some video game characters are supposedly based on real people? And that those people supposedly have the same abilities as there character, and have the same basic storyline as a life? And you told me-" I interupted his foolish ranting.

"I told you that it was a lie. It's impossible! Nobody in the world would be an italian plumber whose girlfriend is a princess and needs to be saved all the time from a gigantic dinosaur. That isn't real life Kirk! These are video games for our entertainment."

He looked taken aback, but continued ranting. "Zander, Riley. What if I told you that there are people out there that have video game characters created after them? It's true. I've found seventeen so far. I think I can find more if you give me time, but for now, in order to stop the T.A.M.F.U. we need these people to help us. I'm not saying they will, but it's my only plan right now. My they can show TAMFU that video games aren't bad! You can belive me or not, but with or without you, I'm going to try and find these people before they destroy our video games." I shared a look with Riley, but insead of looking sceptical like I did, she looked like she believed him.

"I'm with you Kirk." She said proudly and whacked him on the back. They both look at me expectaningly.

"Come on Zander. I know that you don't want to believe it, but I know you know it's true. If you don't believe me, I'll prove it. One of the people is here. In Seattle."

"Who?" I say quietly.

He smirks at me evily. "One of your favorites actually. Samus Aran from 'Metroid'."

And just like that, I was in. Kirk was right. I LOVE Samus. He's so awesome, and cool, and really knows what he's doing... I just don't want to be disappointed if the real Samus, is not as amazing as the video game Samus.

"He goes by Sam. He works at the paintball studio downtown. April lent me her car if you wanna go now?" Kirk said with a childish plead on his face. Soon, Riley joined in.

"Ok," I said. "We can go," They both started jumping up and down and running all over the place in excitement. "But," I say, ruining there happy dances. "If this 'Sam' is not who you think he is, than we're not continueing your little quest." I say in a parental way.

Kirk smirks at me, and leads Riley and I, out the door, and to his car. It's about an hour to get down town from where we are, and with all the traffic. After about twenty minutes in the car, even with Kirk blasting rock music from his car stereo, Riley fell asleep in my arms. She rolled over and had her face nuzzled into my stomach. I pet her hair, as she started to talk in her sleep.

By the time she woke up again, we were at the paintball studio.


Riley's P.O.V.

I got out of the car, and saw the sign outside the paintball studio, seeing that they have decided to call the studio 'Got Balls?' It made Zander and I chuckle a little, but Kirk gave us evil glares, as if we were going to give us away as criminals.

"Come on guys! Be professional!" Kirk said in a quiet, yet sassy voice.

We walked through the double doors, and were now in a dark room, with no windows, and only one person sitting at the front desk. There was paint all over the place, almost in a graffiti type of way, but I suppose it was meant to look like that. I turned to Zander, and saw his white button down shirt, glowing, neon bright.

"It must be a black light." He said casually. I found it amazing how this worked and all, but Zander shrugged it off like it was nothing. I gave him a confused look.

"You know! Like they have at lazer tag places, so you can only see the vests glowing, and not the people. Black lights are really common at places like this." He said again, even more casually.

"Excuse me!" Kirk said in a snobby accent towards the guy at the front desk. "Is there anybody by the name of Sam Arana here? He owes me thirty dollars and I would like to get it back." Kirk continued, more confident than ever.

"Oh, he does, does he? He tends to never borrow money... right now he's busy. He's on his break, and I think he's playing paintball right now in the arena. You can join the game if you want, but let me warn you... Sam, never loses."

"Alright good sir! We shall take you up on that offer!" Kirk said, with slight nervousness in his voice. The truth is, none of us are really the athletic type. I played tennis in highschool, and Kirk was on football for a year, but got suspended from it, when he broke his leg, doing warm ups. I think the only sports Zander can play, are lasertag and track. None of us have ever used a real gun before.

The man from the front desk, gave us all paintball gear, which was much more intense than I suspected, and also gave us a short tutorial on how to win.

"First you throw this lever back," He said, explaining how to shoot. "and then you point, aim, and-" POW! "Bang!" He yelled after shooting off his gun. It was only towards the wall, but it scared me none the less. I can't imagine being hit by one....

"Alright! You're all good to go!" he said, wacking Zander on the back, and making him fall over from the heviness of our gear. He winked towards me awkwardly and I gave him a scowl.

"You show any cold-blooded male in there that smile, and you're sure to win!" He said smacking my butt. I winced from the shock, but felt a rush of anger over me. I picked up my gun, preparing to shoot, when POW! Another shot was shot off next to us. "Dude what the hell?!" The guy said.

"Sorry." I heard Zander say in a fake apology voice. "It's my first time handleing a gun."

"Well, no problem I guess... It didn't hurt that much..." He said, wipeing his crotch area, which is where he was shot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2013 ⏰

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