Chapter 3

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My sister scolded me for not putting the forks in the right way. I stuck my tongue out and told her to shut up and didn't put her cutlery down.

Grandmama came in and sweetly chided me to not to be rude. I never refuse grandmama and I set the cutlery while still giving her the death glare. Soon enough the aroma flooded into our small room.

I rushed to the chair and sat down very eager, the hunger and anticipation of eating me from the inside. Christmas and my birthday are the dates that always very special to me.

On those days' mama takes a day off to be with me, my sister and grandmama. Our flat was very small and my sister and I share a box room with Grandmama and Mama sleeping in different rooms.

Mama works late every day and she cries often whenever opening an envelope that comes to our house or the one she brings home. At times like those I go up to her and give her the biggest hug I can and she looks at me smiling and always reminds I have to study hard and make sure that I have the best education.

Though I cherish Christmas it was that Christmas that everything in my little universe destroyed. I took a bite of the chicken and swallowed, the warmth erupting inside of me.

My eyes looked up and saw it. My mama laughing and smiling, grandmama telling off my sister, her sulky self-smirking. Soon my pupils became blurred, and my clammy hands reached for eyes as they became wet. This was all I wanted.

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