The Impossible Virgins

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Maria and Natalie had become good friends online. Although, the online app that they had met on, did not reveal the identity of the online members, it did allow you to chat with people from all over the world about the topics you cared about.

The connections you made through this app called Chatous, was rich and real. You could stay in touch with the people you enjoyed talking with and it brought the chat conversation to life through photo sharing.
The online members found it addictive and hence, the subscriber base of this app had only seemed to have increased drastically overnight.

The members logged into this app not only when they found themselves bored but they took advantage of its primary feature that provided anonymity and most of the times, the perverts preferred sexting with the opposite genders consensually.

There were some female members who, despite being straight by sexual orientation, didn't mind chatting with the other females - or even sexting for that matter. These females were the ones who took offence to being sent obscene pics by their male counterparts.

Maria and Natalie had hit it off with each other almost instantly as their interests were similar in many areas. They were both straight, but equivocally enjoyed watching porn video clips about lesbianism. They exchanged links of the erotica with each other and later discussed and shared their views about the scenes they watched.

Maria had also apprised her friend Natalie about an app viz. Wattpad, that offered an adult reading experience in the form of short fictional stories curated for fans of erotic romance. The users could also comment and vote on the stories they read.

Maria had proposed that they share their views on it. Maria seemed to have explored YouTube quite extensively for the short films on Lesbians. She had also named a few, and had recommended Natalie to watch them.

Natalie found the stories on Wattpad so stimulating that every time she read a piece of romantic erotica, she would end up rubbing her pussy over her shorts. She soon realized that she was getting addicted to the stories on Wattpad and just rubbing herself superficially was only taking her to a higher degree of horniness during the nights. She took to reading the erotica late at night in bed as well. She began fantasizing even more wildly and frequently.

It never escaped Natalie's mind to take her favorite hairbrush to bed with her every night and she always kept it hidden under her pillow before and after she'd used it, ever since she'd developed favoritism for eroticism. Earlier, she wasn't in the habit of masturbating as often as she was doing it recently.

Maria had become synonymous with Wattpad to such an extent that Natalie thanked her in her mind for introducing her to this app, and even if the thought of Maria occurred to her at anytime during the day, it would bring a subconscious smile on Natalie's face. Reading lesbianism took such a toll on Natalie that she had now begun imagining performing it with Maria in bed.

However, there was something that disturbed Natalie. Contrary to her own extrovert nature, it was Maria's introversion. Natalie had explicitly talked about her sexuality and her vital statistics with Maria. About her masturbation practices, whom she fantasized, and how frequently she masturbated. In spite of that, Maria not only emphatically swore that she had never fingered herself but had also refrained from disclosing her vital stats to Natalie.

Natalie would often broach the subject of how she missed Maria while watching the lesbian vids and probed her to voice her inner feelings too, but Maria always seemed to remain isolated. Natalie persisted but it only turned Maria irritable, and she asked Natalie to stop talking to her. Natalie did so.

Fortunately, Natalie saw a sudden influx of members on Chatous offering her their friendship, and she again seemed to get busy online. On the other hand, Maria felt abandoned and reasoned with Natalie to go back into talking to her again.

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