Chapter 4

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(Hannah's POV)

Harry stroked my hair softly, which I have to admit was pretty calming. Im not used to somebody besides my mom or Rachel caring for me.

I told Harry where I lived earlier just incase I fall asleep because if he keeps stroking my hair I'm gonna end up falling asleep.

My head was still propped up on his shoulder and I started to get more tired by the second. I doze off into a dream.

(Harry's POV)

I kept stroking her hair until I noticed she fell asleep. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my car.

Never in my life would I have thought that I would ever carry Hannah this way to my car.

I kinda like the feeling though. Ive always kind of liked Hannah to be honest. But I'm not telling anyone.

I pulled out the piece of paper that I wrote her address on and read it. I started driving after I buckled her in the front seat.

She looked so cute just laying there with her head propped up against the door.

When we got to her house I picked her up again and walked slowly making sure I don't fall and drop her.

I got up to the door and knocked. Her mom answered. Or at least I think it's her mom.

"Are you Teri?" I asked hoping I was correct.

"Yes! Is Hannah alright?" she gasped seeing me holding her.

"Yes, she's fine. She just fell asleep." I said uncertain how this would end. It would be weird if I asked her mom if I can stay. I stood there hoping Hannah would wake up so I wouldn't have to go home.

"Oh thank goodness! Sorry its just that she's never had anyone over besides Rachel! I'm just so shocked." she squealed.

"Oh, well I'm sorry if its weird that I drove her home." I said rubbing my head not knowing what's happening really.

"Oh no it's perfectly fine! Come on in! And what was your name again?" she chirped.

"Harry." I said surprised that she hasn't gotten mad at me for carrying her daughter.

Thankfully Hannah started to wake up.

"Where are we?" she mumbled.

I moved her hair out of her eyes as I spoke.

"Home. You fell asleep in the alley so I brought you home." I whispered trying not to be loud since she wasnt.

(Hannah's POV)

"Oh." I mumbled back to Harry blushing.

I can't believe I fell asleep on his shoulder! Like isnt that weird?

I forgot about my mom! Oh my god! Harry must've been so embarrassed talking to her! What if she told him something embarrassing about me?

I stared into his green eyes as he stared into my green eyes. We just stared until my mum walked in.

"Aww!" she chirped.


Oh no she just didnt! If she just took a picture of us staring into each others eyes then ill break that camera!

"That's going on the family reunion calendar picture!"

"No! You wouldn't dare!" I yelped.

"Oh but I do!" she stuck her tongue out like a little kid making me giggle.

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