The voices....

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In the alley you see a door and open it you get grabbed by something and you scream. Beverley says "Did you hear that? It sounded like screaming?" Beverly and Stanley walk down, they see Henry and you knocked out on the floor. Henry runs and Beverley shakes you. Your head is bleeding, Beverley notices some other marks on your body and shows Stanley. You finally wake up, Beverley asks you about the marks you freak out and say "I-if I tell you he'll hurt you, I dont want that to happen." Stanley says "Who will? Julie if something is wrong you need to tell us." You say "I'm fine..." They nod and help you up. You all walk back and smile slightly. Richie says "Whoaaah what happened to you?" you laugh and say "I dont really know." he smiles and starts to annoy Eddie again. Your boyfriend Max grabs you and pulls you close he says "you didnt tell them did you?" You nod no and he smiles and says "Good because you know what will happen." you get freaked out and he said "you did tell them didnt you. you little bitch." he pulls you aside. You say "I didn't I swear." He slaps you hard and says "you better hope." you start to have a panick attack, at this point your shaking and go back to your friends. You pull Beverley aside and say... "Bev I have something to tell you." She says "Go ahead." you say "You know when I said he will hurt you.." she nods suspiciously. You say "I have a abusive boyfriend. And I dont know what to do..." She nods and says I'm always here to talk, I have a abusive dad...." You say "I'm s-sorry Bev." she said "Its ok." you both walk back to the boys, Ben says "Hey Julie are you ok?" you nod shakily. Bill can tell somethings up and pulls Beverley aside and says "Is something wrong with Julie? I can tell..." Bev says "I know I'm not supposed to tell you but please dont say anything to Ben, he will freak out." Bill nods "So, she has a abusive boyfrien-" You cut her off by coming over and saying, "Is everything ok?" They both nod and you smile and walk back to Stanley. Stan pulls you aside and says "I know Julie." You say "About what?" Stanley says "You know what." You start crying a bit and say "Please dont tell anyone especially Ben, hes already stressed enough...." Stan nods and hugs you, you check the time, and say "Oh shit um bye everyone." They are all confused but deep down Beverley knows what's happening, You run to the tunnel where you were earlier, Max pulls you and shoves you to the ground and says "You bitch you told Beverley! And Stanley!" You say "WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO MAX?! IM SO DONE." you grab a rock and hit his head, he passed out and you run fast, you get back to the place where everyone was and pull Bev aside you say "I did it bev! I broke up with him!!" Beverly says "YESSSSS!!" really loud, Eddie says "Holy shit what's up?" You say "well I guess I can tell you all now..." Bill nods and smiles, you smile back. You say "Ben you know Max, my "boyfriend"." Ben nods "Well um I'm sorry I didn't tell you..." He looks confused. you say "He was actually abusive, and those "marks" Stan that you and Bev seen, they were from him." Ben looks angry and said "Why didnt you tell me?!?!" you say "Ben I'm sorry but he would've hurt you....." Ben says "I dont care I could've helped." you say "Its ok hes gone now i think-" Bev says "Oh shit, Julie hide he is right there." You run down the alley and see a boy, on the floor you help him up and ask if hes ok, he says "I'm fine thanks, I'm Mike." you reply "Oh I'm Julie." He nods and you both walk out of the alley, you see Max angry he grabs you and threw you to the floor you were still in sight to your friends he says "You told them Jules, you've disobeyed me-" Bev comes and punches him, he gets up to hurt her but you push him and say "Dont you fucking dare Max." he walks off and you hug Beverley, she says "I'm sorry." you said "it's not your fault." She pulls you aside along with Stanley because they knew first. Richie says "I feel bad." Eddie replies "Tell me about it." *back to Julie* Stan said "Has he done anything else, we need to know..." You nod, Beverley said "What else? did he um." you say "not really apart from inappropriately touching me." Bev gasps back and hug Bev, she smiles lightly, you say "Its not really a big deal, seeing as he has cheated on me 3 times." Bev looks annoyed, so you say "let's go back." You all walk back, Eddie says "You ok?" You nod and slightly smile. You realise you have a doctors appointment, so you say, "I have to go." Bev says "Where?" You say "To the doctors." She nods, you walk there and the doctor says "The results have came back..." You say "and....?" He says "You have been tested positive for anxiety." you nod and say "Thanks doctor." he nods and you leave. You walk back to the spot and see them walking so you run to catch up, you say "Ben, I was tested positive." He frowns a bit and says "If you need help, talk to me." You nod and Richie says "Daddy issues?" Eddie hits him and says "Richie seriously. Anyway what's wrong?" Oh um I got tested positive for anxiety." Bill says "We are all here for you." you smile slightly and say thanks, Eddie says "Its tough going trust me I know because I have it as well." You slightly frown. Bill says "m-meet us at the quarry t-tommorow." you say "shit. I'm sorry I cant." Bill smiles and says "T-thats ok." you smile and say "sorry! but bev will be there!" he nods.

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