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       There's a lot to Nina Dubois

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       There's a lot to Nina Dubois. Her father, a French man, found love when
he met her mother, a Canadian, while travelling to go and study art. The two got married not long after and got to open up an art museum.

Nina's story didn't start too soon due to the couple's unconditional love for each other. She was a beautiful, loving, and smart child and still is.

Although life, it just doesn't work without hardships. Her parents got divorced after the art museum had closed down due to financial problems, the poor child was only 7.

She now lives with her mother in Vancouver, Canada. Her father moved back to France to start anew. He visits her once every year, the week before her birthday to be exact.

Nina now as well works in a local donut shop called "Betty's Donuts". As for her mother, she is currently working as a waitress and singer in a restaurant. But what she didn't know and probably never expected was that it was gonna be a roller coaster of events, because of a short film and a boy.

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