ONE | "it's not that bad."

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"Morning, Nina!" She smiled and greeted back a, "Morning" as she heard her closest co-worker and friend greet her.

The blonde girl went over to the time table on the wall showing the times of each employee's shift.

"Wait, Claire, why does it say here that i'm gonna be working until late afternoon? I'm pretty sure i'm supposed to be out by 1:30 p.m." Nina asked while Claire was filling up the donut trays, getting ready to open up the shop.

"Oh, didn't Charlotte tell you? You're supposed to cover for her cause she has this family dinner thing." Her best friend replied, a little confused in tone.

"Uh no, she didn't tell me at all. It's funny that you know and I don't." Nina replied while she ran her fingers through her hair, leaning on back on the counter.

"Oh come on it's not that bad. I trust you don't have any plans for today and besides boss just told me on the way here that someone's gonna be shooting a short film here. At least we're gonna have some sort of entertainment." Claire replied in an attempt to brighten up her mood.

"You have got to be kidding me. First, Charlotte doesn't tell me I'm covering her shift and now boss doesn't tell me about this whole shoot thing?" Nina ranted being even more distraught, completely doing the opposite of Claire's intent.

"Ninaaaaa~ Will you please just help me with the donuts? There's 3 more trays left." Claire chuckled as Nina obliged feeling bad for her friend.

"Sorry, it's just that I've been looking forward to a rest day even if I have to work for a little bit of it. And on top of that, I have to cover for fucking Charlotte! Do you even know how annoying she's been?" Nina said while picking up the tray of glazed donuts and tongs.

"Trust me, you haven't seen anything."
The two chuckled at Claire's statement.

"Anyways, when is this shoot gonna be held?" Nina asked, changing the subject, not wanting to talk about their co-worker anymore.

"Oh uh, 2 p.m., so about 4 hours from now." Claire replied. Nina couldn't help but feel intrigued. She was a huge movie junkie, especially on old cult classic films.

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted when Claire said, "All done! Okay put the trays in the back and I'll open up the shop."


    It had been 3 hours and 43 minutes. All Claire and Nina could talk about was the shoot for this mystery short film.

"For goodneth sakesth, I dont even know the name of thith shorth film." Claire said with a mouthful of the chocolate swirl donut, making Nina laugh.

"Claire, chew your donut and then you can talk!" Nina laughed even harder, thanking the Lord that no one was in the shop.

The two employees kept laughing, telling each other jokes here and there, until they heard the bell ring from the door.
Their dart up to the clock '4:02 p.m.' it read.

"Hello, uh anyone here?" They heard the voice of a male teenager speak as they scrambled out from the back to the main counter. They both saw a couple of people holding some equipment.

"Hi there, sorry about that we were just cleaning the back. Anyways, are you guys the ones that reserved the store to shoot?"
Dinah said while they both try to hold in a laugh.

"Oh no, that's alright. And uh, yeah do you mind if we can start a little later? The guys over there and my brother are still setting up." The boy asked politely.

"Of course! We'll just flip the sign to 'closed' so that there won't be any disturbance. Also we never caught your name, our boss just told us last minute that this was gonna be happening." Nina asked curiously while moving to flip the sign around.

"Yeah sure, well I'm Finn. That's my brother, Nick over there, and those guys he's helping set up are gonna be helping us shoot. Then there's a couple of actors there." The teenager, Finn, said pointing to each person as he mentioned them.

"Cool, I'm Nina and this is Claire." Nina said as Claire smiled.

"Since the guys there are still setting up, can you tell us the title of this film?" Claire asked, trying to get rid of the awkwardness.

"Oh, glad you asked. It's gonna be called 'Night Shifts'. 'Cant tell you what it's gonna be about though, I might tell too much." Finn replied politely to Claire as she nodded.

"'Night Shifts?' Oh, so you mean the thing I never get paid enough for." Nina joked making the three teenagers laugh.

"I guess you can say that?" Finn replied while rubbing the back of his neck as they continued laughing.

"Hey Finn! We're done over here, should we get started?" One of the guys on the other side of the shop asked.

"Great, you guys, everybody in your places please!" Finn called out. "I'll talk to you guys later." He added as the two girls nodded, both of them slipping out a "yeah, sure!"


wellllllll, I actually wrote a chapter,
so this ends my hiatus!

I obviously don't know anything yet about his short film and please remember this is just a work of fiction!

all hate will definitely be deleted
and i hope y'all like this shit i cooked
up for y'all 🐸 👉🏻👈🏻

1 vote = finina moment 🤠

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