TWO | extras and numbers

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"Alright, can everybody get into their places please?" Finn calls out to everyone in the shop. The actors sit at their assigned tables as Finn, Nick, and some other guys stay behind the camera.

"Hey Finn, we're actually short on extras. We tested out a shot earlier with the amount of extras we have right now and it honestly doesn't look good at all." Nick suddenly tells Finn as the actors we're preparing. His brother showed him the shot they tried out and Finn quickly agreed.

"Oh God, uh so can we call some guys last minute? Or can we-" The young boy's thoughts were interrupted as his eyes darted up to the girls he had just conversed with, Nina and Claire. An idea immediately sparked up in his head.

"Wait- Wait here." He says to his brother as he hurriedly goes back to where the two girls were.

"Hey guys, uh we're actually short on extras and we wanted to ask you if you guys would be up to be an extra. Do you guys have any extra clothes you can change in to?" The boy in the hoodie asked to the two as they listened attentively. He glanced back at his brother as he was nervously waiting for an answer.

Nina glanced at Claire as the other did the same to her. They both made eye contact, resulting in an unsaid agreement.

"Uhhh, yeah sure!" Nina replied as Claire smiled and nodded.

'This can't be so bad, right?' The blonde girl thought as the two went to get their duffle bags and headed the bathroom.


"Are you sure about this?" Claire asked Nina as they changed.

"Uh, not really, but come on this'll be fun." Nina replied back as she was tucking in her shirt.

"Anyways, do you see how homeboy looks at you?" Claire says, changing the subject.

"No? What about it?" Nina asks curiously, not catching on to what Claire is implying.

"The olive branch?" Claire kept trying to give her hints.

"Olive branch?" Nina asked again even more dumbfounded.

"Oh my God, you are hopeless!" Claire said, while laughing, exiting the bathroom stall.

"He thinks you're cute, dumbass! He kept glancing at you with literal heart eyes." Claire said while fixing her hair by the mirror.

"Okay, I would be lying if I said he wasn't pretty but come on, Claire. I totally doubt it." Nina replied, not believing a word that came out of he best friend's mouth.

"Also don't you think he looks kinda familiar, don't you think?" Nina asked Claire who shook her head 'no'.

"Anyways you owe me 5 bucks if he asks you for your number today." Claire offered her bet confidently.

"No way, are you seriously willing to lose?" Nina asked as she came out of her stall.

"You mean win, and yes I am certain this boy is going to ask you for your number!" Claire said, as Nina grabbed her own and Claire's duffle bag.

"So do we have a deal or not?" Claire asked as Nina handed her, her duffle bag.

"As a matter of a fact, yes." Nina said as she exited the bathroom with Claire.

"Yes! You, my friend, are going to lose." Claire said as she clapped her hands, Nina laughed at Claire's statement and confidence in the matter.


"Alright, are we good now?" Nick asked Finn quietly.

"Yeah, yeah, they're both fine with it." Finn replied as he was walking back to the camera.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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