chapter twenty

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Nora Davis was weird. Granted, Eli Leonger had known that from the beginning, but only recently had weird turned into something more... endearing. Still, there were certain things she did and said that made him question what was going on inside that head of hers.

Her actions were so contradicting it made his head spin. And yet, it also made him want to delve deeper, to find out why, especially when it came to music—she proved to be incredibly more dynamic. There were so many hidden depths to her, he may never reach the bottom.

As Eli and Ian Leonger walked into Jostlin the next morning, Eli was still thinking about her. Why would someone who clearly had a talent and a love for music not write songs? Or develop a portfolio? Nora said she'd sometimes wrote songs. But the way she was able to break down his piece and immediately reconfigure it spoke of someone with a lot more experience than "sometimes."

So why wouldn't she be open with him about it?

He understood her not having a Musetunes account. It was a lot harder for songwriters to move anywhere on the site if they weren't personally singing the songs. Though he had seen a few that had other artists perform the song with credit to the writer. So it was possible.

Nora was such a hard worker. He couldn't imagine her not wanting to dive into something she had a passion for. But then, when she was at the palace eating dinner with them, she hadn't mentioned Focusing in anything either. Maybe she had passion and drive, but was afraid of commitment?

That didn't seem to line up. There was definitely something—

"Eli!" Someone jogged up next to him.

He glanced over. "Felicity. Hi."

Felicity's blonde hair was fashioned in loose curls that bounced as she walked next to him. "Hey," she said, slightly out of breath. The smile she gave him was bright and welcoming. "I was afraid I wouldn't catch up to you in time."

Were they walking fast? Eli glanced at Ian who shrugged, gave his shoulder a pat, and disappeared – probably off to find Havana. "What can I do for you?" he asked her.

The moment the words escaped him, he inwardly flinched. That was never a good question for him to ask. People always had somethi—

"Nothing," Felicity said. "I just wanted to catch up. Nora said you both were hanging out later, and she invited me along. I hope that's okay."

He and Nora had plans to go to the ice cream shop near the school after classes let out. He was hoping to use the time to ask Nora more about music.

Every time he thought back to Nora at the palace and the way her eyes lit from within when she talked about music, his chest flamed. Her reaction was addicting. He wanted to experience it again and again.

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