Chapter One: Never Good Enough

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Lila skipped easily through the hopscotch squares she had drawn with her friend, Charley, and picked up the small rock she had thrown. She turned around, went back through the whole thing, and handed it to an awestruck Charley. "That's how it's done."

"How? How are you sogood?" He asked.

"It's partially talent, but also dedicated practice." She flipped her loose, brown hair over her shoulder like she had seen the cool girls do in TV shows.

Charley looked down at his watch. "Hey, it's five fifteen. Aren't you supposed to go back home now?"

"You're right. Thanks, Charley!" She waved at him as she ran off in the direction of home. "See you tomorrow!"

As she neared her house she slowed down, sensing that something was wrong. She made her way up the the steps and opened up the door, which was always unlocked, except when no one was home. "Mommy?" She poked her head inside and looked around. It was eerily quite and all of the lights were out. She stepped over the threshold and was about to go up to her room when she heard a sound that made her blood turn to ice.

Someone was crying.

Lila sprinted to the kitchen and found her mother quietly sobbing at the dinner table. Lila stood at her mother's side, not sure of what she should do. Her mother seemed to notice her or the first time, and looked at her with big, wet eyes before pulling her into a strong embrace.

"Mommy, what's wrong?" Lila didn't understand why her mother was acting this way. She had never seen her cry before. Her blood turned cold once more as realization dawned on her.

"Where's Daddy?"

Her mother shook her head and squeezed her tighter. Lila pushed her mother away and asked the dreadful question once more, this time with a few tears beginning to form in her green eyes and a cracking voice.

"Mommy, Where's Daddy?"

This caused her mother to break into loud, choking sobs. She raised a shaking arm and pointed towards the white door that led to the garage.

Lila left her broken mother at the table and wrenched open the door, slamming into her sullen father's leg. He looked down, surprised to see her. She ignored the throbbing pain in her face and stood with her armscrossed in front of him. "Daddy, what's going on? Why is Mommy crying?"

Her father crouched down so that he was eye-to-eye with her. "I'm going to be leaving for a little while. But don't worry, everything's going to be just fine."

Lila uncrossed her arms, thoroughly confused. "Why are you leaving?"

He sighed and was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say. "I...I just have to leave. I'm sorry." He got up to go but stopped when he felt small hands tug on his pants. He turned around to face his daughter, who was now on the brink of tears.

"Can't you stay?"


"...Not even for me?"

Her father froze, but after a minute of silent contemplation he gave his answer. "No."

Lila's hands fell to her sides and she watched as he hopped in one of the two cars inside the garage and left.

She curled her hands into fists and gritted her teeth as a wave of tears gushed from under her closed eyelids.

That was the day she learned she would never be good enough.

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