Epilogue: New Hero

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"A-are you okay, honey?" Lila's mom called from downstairs as she stormed into herroom and slammed the door.

"Yeah, mom. I'm fine!" She gritted her teeth in frustration. She had been THIS close to defeating Ladybug. Who did she think she was, claiming to be the savior of Paris? She was nothing but a hypocrite. After all, they both did essentially the same thing. Vied for peoples' attention and love. Why was Lila the one getting in trouble?

And Marinette...Marinette was just as bad. She was a goody two shoes who had no idea what the real world was like. Marinette didn't know her circumstances, or her history. What gave Marinette the right to judge her?

Lila plopped down on her bed in a huff. She would show them all. She was not one to be messed with. Revenge was eminent and would strike down upon her enemies when they least expected it. Looking up at the Wonder Woman poster above her bed, she frowned and quickly averted her eyes. Wonder Woman wouldn't be happy about what she had become. Tears welled up in her eyes, shame flooding through her.  A liar. That was all she was, and all she ever would be. Squeezing her eyes shut, she let the memories that were usually shoved to the back of her mind rise to the surface. With them came questions. Questions so simple, yet so hard to answer.

Why did he leave?

Why did he never come back?

Why had this happened to her?

Sniffing, Lila sat up straight and wiped the tears from her eyes. Enough self-pity. She had to focus on what lay ahead. But she would never be able to reach her goal if the person she looked up to traveled on a different path than her. Reaching up to the poster that had been her treasure and comfort for many years, Lila ripped it off the wall and crumpled it up as best she could.

It was time for a new hero.

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