The Heart of Comstock

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It's been a few years since you took the name Daisuke. It felt just like yesterday you were in the living room fidgeting with your fingers and wiping your hands on your jeans since you felt them being a bit moist than usual. There he was, talking to your father. Your father was stone faced which made you even more nervous. You could not tell what he was thinking. Then that time came. He asked your father for his blessing. Your heart pounded. You were at the edgy of your seat. It took forever to convince him to ask for a bless. Heck, it took forever to convince him to marry you. Did he not see you as someone to be with forever? Were you just a partner for right now? It felt like you knew. He wasn't going to be here forever. Even so, you wanted this. Does it even help that when you brought the subject of marriage to him, he always changed the subject or left when marriage left your lips? He didn't need to say it. He didn't want to marry you. All that images of your dream wedding was going to be was crushed. Yet you longed to call him your husband. So you just told him if it's alright if you legally changed your last name to his. You asked if you guys can call each other husband and wife. The facade of being married began. You asked to ask for your father's blessing. He didn't understand what was the point if they weren't really getting married. You just wanted this part of your dream to really happen. So it did. You were in the moment. It didn't matter what your father said. The wedding bells weren't going to ring. Still, you wanted your father to accept him. To your surprise he did. All those worries were gone. You smiled as this as far as your dreams. This was a special moment. After getting the blessing, you began the process of getting you last name changed. It felt getting a tattoo of his name. At least with this, you can change it back. You could tell he felt somewhat bad that he could not give you what you wanted. It was revealed once he gave you a golden necklace for your birthday. It was strange. This necklace belonged to your family. You thought it was long gone. You were told stories about The Heart of Comstock. You're ancestor traveled to the district to find gold. They worked day and night to find something. One day, they did! They found the first nugget. They got excited that the first they thing they decided to do was to make this nugget into a necklace for their spouse. Every inch was made of gold. The pendant was in shape of the heart, decorated delicately carved flower patterns. It was gorgeous and looked great in any Victorian dress. Your ancestor got famous for finding gold and for the necklace. They found many more nuggets and made jewelry or their daughters. A ring, a bracelet, and a pair of earrings. Together they were "The Comstock Collection. Over time they got lost. They were history. Decades later, the necklace was found out in the desert. It was a wonder to how it got there. It was refurbished to be displayed in the town's museum. It made a ruckus as everyone around the world came to to see the priceless jewelry. It all felt like a myth but here it was. The Heart of Comstock. The popularization died down with having some tourist going to see it. There was a few attempts to steal it. At that point, no one was able to. Your grandfather soon had a dispute with the museum. He was a descendant, and it belong to him. It was part of his family history and they had no right to take what wasn't theirs. This sparked the popularity of the necklace one more. It was on the paps, the television, and newspaper all over again. It was a long battle that took years to end. You were twenty seven when it all came to an end. The necklace was your family's again. Your grandfather fell ill as it happened. He told you he wanted you to have the necklace. It was now yours. He passed away. Then the preparation started to bring the necklace to you. It was postponed after a letter was found of Lupin the third saying he was going to steal it away. You had to work with the authorities that it didn't happen. Your grandfather worked hard for the family to have it back in their possession. You were not going to have some thief take it away. An inspector from Interpol named Zenigata came to assist you with protecting the necklace. He assured you that he would not let Lupin take that necklace. He wouldn't let him get away. It was lies. You were given false hope. It was false sense of security. You questioned Zenigata's ability once the necklace slipped your finger tips. You to this day hold a small grudge against him. The aftermath was worse. The whole family hates you for letting a good for nothing thief run away with something precious. It was the family's crest and it's now gone. You were hated and you were shunned. You were kicked from the family. You were devastated. There were months you never left your house...your bed...You blamed yourself for this necklace. You didn't sleep or eat for days sometimes. Slowly you got yourself together. You got a minimum wage job and began to start your life again from the bottom up. You saved money to opened your own antique shop. Part of you felt maybe the rest of the Comstock collection might eventually find their back to you. Part of you felt that the heart of Comstock would reappear. Meanwhile, you enjoyed the items you received and studied them. You loved knowing where they came from and how they were made. Once in a while, you got orders to refurbish some vintage items and so you did. It was a good business. There was no sign of the necklace or the collection until then. You cried when he put it around your neck. It was worth something to the world but it meant so much more to her. You had to ask how he got it. And he told you he got it from an auction. You felt bad, it must have cost a fortune! He told you not to worry. He asked why you are so emotional about this necklace in particular. You told him the whole story. From your ancestor to Lupin to being removed from the family. He was shocked and tried his best to comfort you to what happened. You shrugged it off. It was all in the past. You went through it and you are now here. You were still alive and breathing. The next day you went to the news and reported that the heart of Comstock was home. You were interviewed by the local news. You wanted him with you but he refused. He told you to go one with out him. You did. You wished he was here. He wasn't in front of the camera with you and he wasn't behind the scenes. Since then, you wore that necklace and kept it close to you. Just like now, you look at the pendant. You think of him and how he got that necklace back to you. He made you happy. He tried his best. You just hoped he felt the same as you did. It is hard to read him. It is hard to know how he feels about you sometimes. You could tell anything to him and he knows you so well. Why don't you know him so well? Why doesn't he open up to you? After all these years together, it felt you were living with a stranger. You didn't leave him despite him being a coded book. He didn't leave you either. Are you two just two losers who are afraid to be alone? Maybe you are the loser. You hoped he would tell you while he was before you two met. You hope you could get to know who exactly is Daisuke Jigen.

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