Wine Me Up

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A waltz creaked from above. The reflection of the wine glass demonstrated the movement of each petal twirling in sync with the dragged out ticking of the clock. You waited for it to be stiff. It had to stop. It would keep you from waiting. It can help you stop counting the hours. You'd be better off if you stopped thinking and just had a blank mind. You had work to do and all think missing and thinking is distracting. You pour the glass as you watch the velvet elixir rise. You take this glass in your hand. You raise it to the heavens. There was something at the tip of your tongue. It took a swim in your mind until it sank to bottom. It was beyond saving. You press the glass against you lips as you take a sip. "Look at you. Wasting your time drinking." You told yourself. "Move on...You can't be moping over him. You've been disowned and abandon. What's one more person? You have to feel nothing. Don't think about him. You didn't mean nothing to him. So he doesn't mean nothing to you..." The sips turn into gulps. The voice in your head needed to rest. They have been blabbing on and on. It's been causing you to have sleepless nights and draining your energy. As the bottle gets empty, you heard a knock. You groaned as you slowly got up from the chair. The distance from the kitchen to the front door grew. It was miles and miles away. You slowly approached, hoping you reached your destination soon. Stopping in front of the door, you took a peek through the hole. There was a familiar feeling. This person was someone you met before. The trench coat, the fedora, the lashes, and that high quality butt chin. He had both hands in his pockets as he looked both ways before he looked at the door and knocked again. You took a step back. A blood vessel was popping. The audacity of this man to show up with his side burns. You unlocked the door, slowly you sung open the door. Immediately you caught his attention. He sorted himself out: shuffles his feet, stood up straight, place his fedora in his hands, and cleared his throat. "Good morning ma'am." Greeted he. "I'm inspector Zenigata from Interpol." He showed his teeth. Your fists wanted to knock them out one  by one leaving him to use dentures for the rest of his pathetic life. "I'd like to speak to you." He wipes away the smile as he took a serious approach. "It's about your husband." There was nothing you could say back. This man can not handle whatever case that involved Ji- he who shall not be named. After all, you didn't want to talk about him. You are trying to cope with the idea that maybe he have left for good. You are trying to stop waiting for him. You are doing your best to prevent yourself from missing him. You are blocking any thought about him. You didn't need this. It will only make matters worse. Your eyes caught something moving. It swished and swashed left and right. Focusing on what it was, it was the inspector's hand, waving. You directed your attention to him. He nervously chuckled as he asked politely to be let inside. This was turned to a dilemma. Should you let him in and hear him out? Or shut the door? Did you need to think about it. The answer was obvious. You slammed that sucker. You pushed that sucker to make the message clear that you were not interested. You heard a yelp. The door creaked opened. Frowning, you checked why it didn't close properly. You found fingers, bruised from the impact. "Ma'am we have to talk." His voice cracked.

"I have nothing to say. I have no reason to talk to you in...spec..tor..."

He groaned as he pushed the door open but not without a fight. You were pushing as well to keep him out. "Young lady your husband has not been transparent with you! He is not who he says he is!"

" know nothing about me or my husband. Now leave before I shoot those sideburns off!"

He began to list his name, his age, his occupation, and when he came to the town. He did his research but that meant nothing. Then he revealed something. "He is a criminal, wanted in several countries." You tried not to look intrigued by that, you didn't want to let him accuse him of being a criminal. He isn't...right...? You were losing some strength as he made progress of creaking the door open.

"He is not a criminal! He is a honest man who earns his daily bread!"

"He may look like it now but before he used to do jobs with a former friend of his...Lupin the third."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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