He'll Have to Go

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The warm of your breath hit your moist face. Each turn you took, the cloth followed. Tightness was felt around your legs and ankles. It was a struggle. It was painful.  A metaphorical blanket cover y your body. You were uncomfortable and want to stick a foot out to balance out your temperature. An obstacle prevented you from having a good night sleep that didn't have you be too hot or too cold. You sat on the cold ground. It all felt familiar. You were here before. You hear footsteps. Chills was sent down your spin. You felt every inch of goosebumps on your body. There was a feeling. It made you shake uncontrollably. It made you cower. You try to move away. You felt tears roll down your cheek. Without control, you let out a plea. "Please! No! Please!" You were helpless. In the end, were you just in a sick game made by God for his amusement? Were you a pawn in his little game...? Was this dialogue predestined so it would feel it was your own words...your own actions to only realize that it wasn't the case. "Where is it...?" A voice beamed. The question have been asked so many times. It was irritating. You wanted to express it. You did not fucking know where the fuck it was. You could not. Instead you cried "I don't know! I don't know! I've told you this!" You felt you hair pulled as you are dragged across the floor. You did not know how long you were here. The days mushed together. You were not able to see for some time. The blindfold was never taken off. You could only hear and smell. You were always tied up. You were hardly able to move. You were in a sense, dead. As the dragging stopped, you were sat down on a...chair? You thought it was a chair. Your head was pulled back as water was dropped from above. You were in deeps waters. There was no oxygen to breath. You tried swimming above as you saw the sunlight. You swim up as you try your best to reach the surface before you ran out of time. No matter how much you swam, you were nowhere near it. Time has run out. You have to open you mouth to catch a breath. Sadly, water gets in and you start to choke up. You are desperate for some air. There was no sign of it. It was just water.

A sudden "CLASH" was heard. It stopped everything. You wake in a great need of fresh air. You sat up in bed as your heart panicked. It was a dream. A dream is an understatement. It's a nightmare you were reliving. You had to wept. You thought you were still there. You were still in that place, being tortured, and punished for being honest with them. It would have been cruel if you woke up from this reality to only still be a captive. You felt around the bed to see if Jigen was there beside you. You needed him to calm you down and reassure you that you are safe. He was not there. You rolled over to the edge of the bed so you can reach to the lamp. *CLICK* You were able to see better now. You saw him peeking his head out the bedroom window as he had his got his gun in hand. You took one last deep breath to suck up these emotions. You wiped your tears away. There was something else going on right now. "Jigen...What's going on....?" You sniffed. He only shushed you. A few seconds later he signal you to come to him. You got off the bed slowly so it would not creak so much. Then you tiptoed to him. You asked once again, this time in a whisper. "What's going on, old timer..?"

"Some ass broke in..." He replied back. There was more things being dropped down stairs. "It's probably some drunk." He looked at you. "Don't worry. I'll handle this. You go back to bed." He was so close to kiss you, only to back out from it. "See ya pal." He closed the door. He left you disappointed. A bit irritated too. You were not his "pal". You were his companion. He can't even kiss you. Well, he used to be able to give you kisses. Now he goes for it but changed his mind the last minute. It's unfair since it lead you one. You lean in for that kiss only to be left looking like an idiot. You huffed it away. You just got back to bed. You tried to fall back asleep. You could not. You had a nightmare. You were still scared from it. Maybe this was a distracted from Jigen so you can be kidnapped again? GOD! You prayed it was just you imagination running wild. A pair of eyes was watching you. Freeze. They will look somewhere else if you don't move. You heard your breathing. You feel your heart race. Slowly you scanned the room for a weapon. This time will be different. They won't take you away. If only you can move. If only the feeling of someone watching went away.  Slowly you took deep breaths. You needed to bring yourself to reality. This house is two stories. No one can climb up so easily. The window is locked even if they did try. There no way someone is watching you. Trying your hardest to make a single sound you went back to bed. You waited for Jigen. Right you needed a hug. You needed comfort. This was an eventful night. You needed someone to tell you it's okay.  It felt like he was never going to come. You yawned as you snuggle up to his pillow. You felt your eyelids getting heavy. No! You can't sleep. You must wait for Jigen...You must wait...

There was a impulse for your body to jump. In a blink you we're wide awake again. Jigen was sitting at the edge of the bed. "Blondie..." He called you. "Psst blondie..."

"...ugly..." You fluttered. You turned, having your  back to him. "Did they talk anything Tuco...?" You asked, shutting your eyes to slumber more.

"I didn't let them. They did break few vases."

"Now you can rest easy."

"I frickin' wish. Something came up." His voice was farther away. "I won't be long. I'll come back."

"When will that be..?"

"..." You didn't hear a response.

You stayed quiet. The door knob turned. Creak, went the door. It closed. The night grew more dark as a car started up. The motor fell quiet. With no answer, with no response you are left to wonder, "Will he come back this time..?"

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