You have a what

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It was unusual for Bruce to pick Dick up but he was off today and figured he'd spend some of his time with Dick.. Typically when he picks Dick up late but not today. Not today however he showed up on time.

Bruce watched students come running out the school doors.. He then spotted his son.... Leaving the building with a girl.. They were holding hands while walking..

Dick P.O.V

"Oh that's my ride I'll text you later." I said.
"Oh okay.. Talk to you later." She responded.

I walked up to the car.

"What are you doing picking me up?" I asked.
"Who was that? Why were you holding hands? How do you know her? How long have you known this girl?" Bruce started to integrate me..
"Woah I'm one person and I asked a question first." I said.
"Fine. I didn't work today and wanted to pick you up now answer my questions." Bruce replied.
"I meant her this year but she's great. We... well... I... Uhh.. Don't freak out but she's kinda my girlfriend.." I said as I watched his expression change.
"YOU HAVE A WHAT!?" Bruce said trying to take in the new information.
"A girlfriend." I repeated.

Bruce P.O.V

How could this happen? How could my son have a girlfriend? He's only 13..

He never told me he even liked a girl.. He never told me they were talking.

I remember when he was just a little boy..


Bruce was getting ready for his date tonight. All he had to do was fix the tie since they were going somewhere fancy.

"You look awesome she will love it." Dick said from behind me.
"I hope so." Bruce said back
"Bruce... Can I ask you something?" Dick asked.
"Go ahead ask away." Bruce replied.
"Do you think I'll ever be like you?" Dick asked.
"Umm..  Can you be a bit more specific?" Bruce asked.
"Well you're so cool and you get girls... Do you think I'll ever get a girlfriend? Or even go on a date?" Dick asked.
"Oh that.. Of course you will... Why wouldn't you?" Bruce responded.
"Because I'm me.." Dick responded sadly.
"Exactly your you and that's all you have to be. A girl will love you for being you don't forget that." Bruce advised.

End Flashback

The rest of the ride home was silent. A girl and actual girl that I don't know thinks she can be all over my son! Well not on my watch!

Dick headed to his room. As I went to Alfred.

"He has a..... Girlfriend." I said as if Girlfriend was poisoned.
"Oh. May I ask who the young lady is?" Alfred asked.
"I uh.. didn't catch her name nor is it important." I said.
"Master Bruce I believe you we're around his age when you dated your first girl..." Alfred said.
"That's not the point! Besides I don't want him to be like me." I said before handing to my office.

I started trying to find work to do and time went flying so about 6 o'clock I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said.
"Hey... I think we need to talk..." Dick spoke.
"About what? Wait don't tell me you have to girlfriend's." I said.
"I'm not you now. No I just... I didn't tell you because you get all protective about me. Wally decided to call it Daddy bats mood." Dick said.
"It would've been nice to know." I said back.
"Sorry... From now on I'll tell you." Dick apologized.
"Good... Now that it's over want Pizza?" I asked.
"What kind of question is that!" Robin spoke.

Author Note: I decided to leave who the girl is up to you. Also I'm sorry if this is bad it's late and I struggled sleeping so here we are. Please tell me your thoughts.

Also anyone else picture Dick on the couch with her then seeing  Bruce walking up with a ruler and making them like 5 feet apart or is that just me.

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