Random Anime Facts

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Ok everybody whenever I post a chapter it's gonna be by topic so the 1st topic is dedicated to my friend Detective weeb also known as MissChillPill

1 )Did you know that there's a difference between an otaku,weeb and weaboo?

(Here's their definition)

-a real word
- and in short term it's like the anime version of nerds and/or geeks

-an extremely obsessed anime fan
-Also loves Japanese culture
-randomly speaks Japanese at some point
-so obsessed that he /she  wants to be Japanese

-just a normal and proud anime fan

2)the different dere types

First of all there are two categories of deres the popular category and the Niche category,where some dere types some might haven't even heard of,in this chapter I'm just gonna be putting the popular ones cuz I need more research and maybe in a part two

Starting off ,we have the tsundere

She's described as mean and annoying ,she bullies the person she likes and gets embarrassed when she gets complimented

Next the Yandere

They are sweet on the outside but love drives them crazy,making them able to kill anyone just to keep their loved ones safe

They don't take rejections well and you better not make them jealous


She doesn't talk that's much, she's anti-social and shy,she usually has glasses and keeps her head in books
(Kinda like me haha)
But they become more confident when they meet the right person that's helps them along the way


She's the type of Anime girl who's always Hyper so technically I don't have to explain this ....right??


They always have a Blank look,flat voice and known for being somewhat emotionless

But as time passes by they start to open up

That's it for now,next chapter a list of Greek gods and goddesses,but I'm not gonna explain their origins and family tree even though most of them are just sons and daughters of zues like Athena,byeeee

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