Filipino Mythology gods and goddesses

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God of Creation,life& Universe & supreme ruler of the heavens

Mapolan masalanta
-Goddess of love,childbirth, youth &protector of lovers
-later known as" Maria makiling "the goddess of fairies and protector of the forest

Galang Ispirito
-The winged god of air
-who is present in the Philippine creation myth and loves to travel
-Identified as a close friend of Bathala

-Goddess of the moon
-One of the three daughters of Bathala by a mortal woman
-she is the most charming and beautiful among the goddesses

Tala(pilipinos u know what this is*cue the music*)
-goddess of the stars
-one of the daughters of Bathala by a mortal woman
-sweetest among the goddesses

-Goddess of the sun
-Sister of Mayari and tala and the daughter of Bathala by a mortal woman

-god of good harvest
-Married Idayanale

-goddess of deeds and labor

-goddess of fertility
-and the most understanding and kind among the other Dieties
-Also known as Lakapati the giver of food and prosperity
-best gift is agriculture
-Married to Mapulon and had a daughter
similar to the Japanese goddess Uke tochi

-god of seasons
-half of his mask symbolizes the rainy season while the maskless side symbolizes summer

-the strong and agile god of strength and guardian of mountains

-Goddess of lost things (like me when I'm thinking of something....or someone;)
-daughter of Lakapati and Mapulon

Anion Tabu
-the fickle minded goddess of wind and weather
-in the heavens,she is the reporter of the gods and goddesses

Inabandonang Ispirito
-former god of the sea
-serpent god, who's Present in Philippine creation myth that was killed by Bathala after an ensuing rival

-ill tempered god of the sea
-he was never married after his love was spurned by a beautiful mortal maiden ,Maganda,In frustration,he swore vengeance against the mortals

-Supreme leader of kasamaan(evil)
-god of destruction,death,evil and sin
-tormentor of souls
-has four agents whose purpose is to lead manking to  sin and destruction

-goddess of disease and old age
-one of the 4 agents

-goddess of family separation and loneliness
-one of the four agents

-god of fire and lies
-one of the four agents
-if the fire was extinguished immediately his victim would die

-trickster goddess of lies and shape shifting
-one of the four agents

That's it for now,still irregular updates and requests open,byeeee

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