Chapter 1

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I wake up in the night to a loud crash in the living room. My parents always fight and throw things, but I'm used to it. Sometimes I wake up and see the broken bottles when I walk into the living room or kitchen and know they've been fighting. I guess after a while I just stopped being startled whenever they argue, but that doesn't stop the noise from occasionally waking me. I'm a little bit thirsty, but I know better than to be there when they're arguing or upset. Last time I did that I got beat, so I avoid them, but sometimes they still hurt me even when I leave them alone. Everything was better before my dad died. I barely remember it, but times were simpler back then. When he died I was only seven. After he passed away my mom became a different woman. The bubbly woman I once admired and held so dear was buried with my father, and a fragile shadow of a mother replaced her. I was always careful with what I said around her, for fear that one word could shatter her. I guess that's why I'm more quiet. She was the most delicate being out there, until she met my stepfather when I was eleven. He was a crude man with a large frame and he towered over me. My mom would come back drunk and angry with him after dates. Eventually they got married, and after that they started arguing and taking their anger out on me. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when a hauntingly familiar figure appeared at the door. My stepfather,  Kent. He holds an empty beer bottle in his right hand, and is obviously drunk. He has that unfeeling look in his eyes that says he doesn't care about hurting others, and looks like a slob. He comes toward me, wobbling slightly because he is intoxicated. I instinctively cower in the corner while sitting on my bed, but that doesn't stop him.

"Come here, ya no good pest." He says as he grabs my arm and flings me down on the floor.

He raises his right arm, still holding the bottle, and I know what's coming. Time seems to slow down as my thought engulf me. I wonder if I should run. If he catches me, I'm done for, but if he doesn't I'm safe. That's not entirely true. I would still have to come back, and I could be in more trouble if I come back after running. It's a lose lose situation. I watch one last drop of beer slowly fall from the mouth of the bottle, time still seems to be stopped. As it hits the ground I realize I have no choice but to stay and take the beating, no matter how much it may hurt. My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of shattering glass and a sharp pain on my back.

"You're good for nothing, you know that? You messed up my marriage and everything about my life, you little shit! Nobody cares about you, and if you think for one second that you're wanted here, you're as wrong as you can be!" Says Kent.

The words fly out of his mouth and I can smell the alcohol, stagnant in the air. His words hurt just as much as the beating, even though I've heard them a thousand times before. He takes what's left of the bottle in his and and scrapes my arm with it, then slams it down. He storms out of the room and slams my door on the way out. I don't know what to do, but I know I need to leave. I grab my leather jacket and I climb out of the window since my room is on the ground floor and start walking while a few tears fall down my face. I notice a blue mustang behind me but think nothing of it.

It's been about half an hour since I left, and I don't know where I'm going, but at least I'm not home. I've walked in circles a couple of times. I walk up a short hill to a clearing and notice the blue mustang that I saw a little bit ago, and start to get suspicious. I take out a house key in my pocket just in case. I keep going since I can't turn back now, and I see a figure of a boy. He looks to be about my age, sixteen. I'm distracted by the boy and don't realize that there are people near me. I turn around and the blue mustang is parked, and there are several guys standing around me. One has on rings, the others have on clothes that are clearly soc clothes. I know I'm in trouble.

Author's note📖
This is my first book to publish, so please leave feedback. I promise it will get more interesting, and I know this chapter was really short. Feel free to leave suggestions, they would be much appreciated. Have a lovely day🔅

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