Chapter 2

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I fiddle with the key in my pocket as they approach me. In that moment I notice that my arm is bleeding from the glass, and my back probably is as well.

"Well well well, what's a pretty girl like you doing out so late, huh?" One of them asks.

"I- I- uh..." I stammer quietly.

"Cat got your tongue? You won't be too quiet while we beat you to a pulp." The one with the rings says.

"Too bad nobody's here to help you." Another guy adds.

I turn around and try to run, but they grab me and hold me against a tree. I know I made things worse by trying to run, but it was my only hope.

"We're gonna give you something to remember us by, greaser." The ringed one whispersin my ear.

He took his blade and placed a cut on my jaw. I stab him with my key and I start screaming for help in the hopes that someone will hear me, although it's unlikely. I close my eyes so that maybe the whole situation will be slightly less frightening, and I won't have to stare into their cold eyes. I unsuccessfully scramble to get away, when all of the sudden there is yelling amongst the group, and the weight is lifted off of me. I hear the violent footsteps fade, but I'm not prepared to open my eyes for fear that they're still waiting to kill me. A hand touches my arm and I wince out of pain and fear.

"Hey, it's ok. I ain't gonna hurt you." A quiet voice says.

I calm down as soon as I hear that voice, but I don't know why. It sounds like a male voice. I open my eyes reluctantly and they meet its a boy's. He has deep blue eyes, and they are filled with concern. He quickly puts away his pocket knife and kneels beside me.

"How bad did they hurt you?" He asks.

"N-not bad. They only cut my face." I respond, pointing to my jaw.

"Well it ain't safe for you  to be out here by yourself. I live nearby. You can stay at my house for tonight if you want, or as long as you need to." He says.

"That'd be good." I reply quietly.

"They're always ok with it. My name's Sodapop by the way." He reaches out his hand for me to take.

I take his hand and stand up next to him.

"Mine's Audrey." I say with a slight smile.

He smiles back at me and we start to walk. I feel an immediate connection to him and we start talking along the way.

"So how old are you?" I ask him.

"Sixteen, almost seventeen. How about you?"

"Im sixteen too."

"How come I never see you at school?" I inquire.

"I dropped out. School really wasn't my thing." He tells me.

We keep talking, and I realize that we're still holding hands, but I don't drop it. It comforts me. I start to study his features. He has golden brown hair and a sharp jawline. His eyes glisten in the moonlight and he has movie star assets. We slow down in front of a dimly lit with a porch and a gate. Sodapop unlocks the gate, and we walk silently into the house so we don't disturb anybody, but a man that looks like he's in his twenties sit in an armchair. He is quick to notice Soda, but doesn't see me at first since I am behind him.

"Soda, where the hell have you been? Do you realize how early in the morning it is? You got me and Ponyboy worried sick!" The man scolds.

I realize there is a boy sitting on a couch, he looks like he's fourteen. He has a worried look on his face. I continue to hide behind Soda while the man yells. It reminds me of Kent.

"Darry, calm down. I was on my way home and I saw her getting jumped by some socs." He says as he steps out from in front of me.

"Oh, alright." His tone softens when he sees me.

"You good if she spends the night here." Soda asks.


The boy that was sitting on the couch is now fast asleep.

"Looks like Pony's out like a light. I'll just let him stay out here." Soda says as he puts a blanket over the young boy.

"Alright, goodnight Soda. Night Audrey." Darry says as he disappears into a room in the hall.

"Follow me." He whispers.

"Ok." I whisper back to him.

He leads me to a bedroom and I take off my jacket and set it on the back of a chair. It takes me a little while to go to sleep since I'm in an unfamiliar place, but Soda goes right to sleep after a few minutes. While I'm still up he mumbles something in his sleep, then turns toward me and drowsily puts his arm around my waist. I feel protected with him. It's like I've known him my entire life, when in reality it's only been about half an hour. It's easier for me to go to sleep with Soda cuddled up next to me, so I drift off to sleep.

Author's note📖
Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. I wanted to let you guys know that there will be weekly updates, most likely on Saturday or Sunday, but probably Saturday. If you have any suggestions please comment, I would love to have some feedback! Have a lovely day🔅

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