Chapter 3

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The next morning I turn over, and the warm presence of Soda isn't there. I open my eyes and see some people I don't recognize. One is wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt, and the other is wearing a DX shirt.

"Soda, she's up!" The one in the DX shirt calls.

Soda comes into the room and sits beside me on the bed.

"Hey Audrey, meet my friends. This is Two Bit, but his real name is Keith," he says, gesturing to the one in the Mickey Mouse shirt, "that's Steve, he works at the DX with me."

"Hey, I'm Audrey." I say while getting up.

"Hey Audrey, I heard about what happened last night." Steve says.

"Yeah..." I reply.

I get up and realize that the marks on my arm from the beer bottle are very much visible. The others seem to notice too.

"They do that to ya?" Two Bit asks.

"Oh, um, no. That's just from... stuff." I tell him.

Although I don't tell them, they seem to figure out what happened to my arm. They both exit into the kitchen, leaving me and Soda alone.

"Your parents do this?" He asks while gently holding my arm.

"Yeah" I say rather sheepishly.

"I'm sorry. My friend Johnny, his parents do that to him, but we don't talk about it." He says while I continue to look down.

I still avoid eye contact with him by looking down at my beat up converse. He puts his finger under my chin and softly lifts it up so that I'm looking into his eyes. I could get lost in those eyes. I feel safe again, and it's because of him. He suddenly pulls me into a hug.

"You're safe with me." He whispers in my ear.

His whisper send a shiver down my spine. We stay there until someone opens the door. We break apart and I see two guys standing there. One has sharp facial features and looks dangerous, and the other is tan with dark hair and a scar on his face.

"Who's the broad, Sodapop?" Asks the dangerous looking one with a smirk plastered on his face.

The other just stands there shyly.

"This is Audrey, we met last night." Soda responds.

"Well maybe I'll have to take you out to Buck's tonight, and I'll show you how good I am at-" he is cut off by the shy one speaking up.

"Dally, lay off." He says, and the taller one looks upset.

"Audrey, this is Johnny." He says about the tan one, "And this is Dallas." He says, pointing to the tall one.

Dallas comes toward me and puts his arm around me and winks.

"You're a pretty little thing. You should come with me and I'll show you a real good time." He says in a husky voice.

After saying that he starts sucking on my neck, and I struggle to get away, but he still holds on. I'm still struggling when a pair of strong arms wraps around my waist and pulls me away, it's Soda's arms.

"What's the big idea, man?" Dallas says to Soda, looking frustrated.

"Hey man, she got jumped last night." Soda says, his arms still wrapped around me protectively.

Johnny seems to get more anxious when he says that.  I figure something must have happened with Johnny too. After Soda says that Dallas lays off. Soda is suddenly aware that he has his arms around me, so he drops them. By that time I figure I should get going because I have work. I started my new job at the Dingo only a few days ago. My first shifts weren't busy, but my new one was starting today, and I heard it can be hellish with the amount of customers that come in. There's always a fight there.

"Thanks for letting me stay over, Soda. I've gotta get going." I tell him.

"Anytime. Do you wanna hang out sometime?" He asks me with a smile.

That smile could make the earth stop spinning.

"Oh, uh. Yeah, that'd be nice. See ya around, Soda." I say with a smile as I begin to head for the door.

"Hey, wait." He calls to me.

"Hm?" I say while turning around.

He doesn't say anything to me, but he wraps me in a tight hug. I feel so comfortable, and wish I would stay there forever. My head is pressed against his chest, since I barely come up to his shoulder. He smells like cologne and the DX. We both let go at the same time, and we stand there for a few seconds before I break he silence.

"See ya, Soda" I say happily as I walk out the door.

I think I hear him say something, but I brush it off. It must have been the wind. I go home to change my clothes, and head to work. I don't really like how I have to dress for work. I have to wear tight clothes and short skirts. I don't mind showing off my body because I know I'm in shape since I workout, I just don't like being on display for creeps to see. I throw on a black leather skirt, a low cut white tank top, some hoops, and a pair of black heels. I grab my bag after putting up my hair and start walking to the Dingo.

Sodas POV:

I watch Audrey walk out the door and realize that I forgot to ask where I can find her.

"Hey Audrey!" I shout at her.

She doesn't hear me, and keeps walking. I guess I'll just ask her next time I see her.

"Well, Sodapop. Care to tell us about your girlfriend?" Steve asks

"It ain't like that. I just met her yesterday." I tell him while heading into the kitchen.

"Come on, Soda." Ponyboy says.

"Hey, I'm not the one who started sucking her neck." I say lightheartedly while looking at Dallas.

"I'd have done a lot more if you hadn't grabbed her. We all saw how close you pulled her." Dallas teases.

"Huh?" I say, trying to avoid this conversation.

"Don't play dumb, Soda. We all saw you gettin upset when Dally made a move one her." Says Two Bit as he giggles and sips a beer.

"Y'all are airheads. Wanna go to the Dingo later today?" I ask, trying to steer the conversations away from me and Audrey.

We all go back to what we were doing, when suddenly there's a crash outside and banging on the door

Authors note📖
Hey guys! Hope you're doing well over Corona break and that this is keeping you entertained. If you read it, please drop a comment. That's all I have to say, but if there's anything you'd like me to add to the story then let me know. I'm open to suggestions!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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