Chapter 17 - The Means To Live

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"Let's start the treatment right after the Board Meeting" So Eun uttered while inside the MRI Scanner.

"What did you say So Eun?" Dr. Choi asked doubtful of what she heard from So Eun.

"The treatment, let's do it" So Eun uttered again "Let's give it a try"


"We can start it right away after 2 weeks" Dr. Choi said as my Mom and I sat in front of her. "We'll fight through this together So Eun"

"What is going to be the side effect of the treatment in my case?" I asked quite nervous. I have no idea I'll ended up agreeing on this after denying for 2 years.

"We'll have to boost your immunity so you however endure the pain of the treatment. We'll do our best to dissolve the tumor" Dr. Choi answered with a relief in her face that lessen my worries.

Someone knocked on the door and Joon peeked on the door, "Oh, Joon-ah you're already here." Mom uttered holding my hands, "So Eun-ah, go grab lunch with your brother. I just have a few things to ask to your Aunt."

"Oh, okay. How about you?" Confused, I nodded and stood up.

"Your Dad is on the way. We'll have lunch together later."

"We'll go now" Joon bid farewell as I walk towards the door.


"Will she go through just like what Mother gone through?" Min Soo asked in a very worried tone

Dr. Choi sighed with determination, "So Eun is still young. She can go through this Unnie"

"Se Young-ah. It is still not too late, right?"

"It's normal for a cancer patient going through treatments to be really emotional. But, you know that she keeps on forgetting something these days as the effect of her accident before, we'll do our best to save some of her nerves that is already weak."

"Save her Se Young-ah" Min Soo pleaded holding her hands

Se Young nodded, "We'll do our best to save her."

"She's been helping with the company these days and she has decided to go with the merge with KJ." Min Soo said looking outside the window

"Maybe she really wanted to start again" Se Young smiled "That why she finally decided to undergo the treatment. I told you, we just have to wait her to willingly agree on it. May she found a reason to live now"


*Text Message Conversation*

Taehyung : How's your check-up?

So Eun : It's the same as usual

Taehyung : Where are you now?

So Eun : Out for lunch

Taehyung : Can I see you?

So Eun : Of course not. People will see us

Taehyung : Why not?

So Eun : I'm with Joon

"So, is it true that you are in a relationship with Jin?" Joon blurted out

"Why did you asked?" I asked confused facing my phone down

"You're smiling. Is it Jin?" he asked confidently.

And my heart sank. I don't know why I felt so guilty about it. Then my phone rings.

"Speaking of. I think he's already calling" Joon uttered mouthing on my phone.

"Oppa, don't tell Jin about the treatment... for now" I asked in a pleading tone knowing that Joon will really tell Jin if I don't ask him to not tell.

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