Chapter 19 - Everything Has Changed

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"I think we're good now" Taehyun uttered as they sat down.

"Jin is also meeting the other shareholders, also the international investors. I hope it will all go well during the Board Meeting" Min Soo added "So Eun will also meet the Foreign investors before coming back from Paris"

"Will she be okay on her own?" Taehyun asked

Min Soo smiled and nodded, "You know your daughter, she's good at handling things. She'll be okay."

"How about the dating scandal, what are you planning about it? We cannot hold back anymore for too long. Besides, it's the truth"

"Don't worry, I'll handle it. We still own some of the shares on Big Hit Entertainment, it'll go well."

"But scandals involving Entertainment is different. They'll create too much noise, it's better to confirm it as early as possible"

"We don't have to be bothered by it. For now, we just have to lead their focus on the Board Meeting. Since it's So Eun and Jin, it won't create much noise"

"Then why are you still holding back?"

"Some of the members think it's irrelevant. They'll still use it as an excuse so that the merge won't happen. Some of the investors and shareholders will do anything to stop the merge. You know that. So as much as we can, we have to hold back. We just have to get through the Board Meeting."


So Eun's POV

The event successfully ended. I've never been this satisfied and happy after attending an event.

"Are you sure you're not tired at all?" Taehyung asked worriedly as we sat down opposite to each other, face to face.

I shook my head and opened the menu, "What do you want to eat?"

"Let's eat whatever you want to eat" Taehyung smiled and held my hand

I finished ordering and I leaned on the table, "Do you want to see the sunrise?"

His face lit up, he smiled widely that his mouth shaped like a box. I liked it.

"For real?!"

I nodded, "For real"


"How are you and Ms. So Eun?" Bang PD all of a sudden asked

Jin tried to stay calm "We're good" he answered

Bang PD smiled, "We know that she's quite popular ever since, but it must have bothered you to have a close friend that likes her"

"Many men have tried to chase after her ever since and it didn't actually bothered me at all. So I'm flustered that everything's changing. We used to be together and also far from each other, all those years I have the confidence that I won't lose her, but lately I've been afraid that I will lose her." Jin answered sincerely.

"Have you talked to Taehyung already about it?" Bang PD asked leaning on the table "I don't have a problem with you having someone you like. But I'm afraid I have to say something about this since you and Taehyung are like a family, you're friends and teammate. I'm really hoping you could settle this as soon as possible"

Jin nodded.

"Then you must have known that he's with Ms. So Eun now in Paris"


"Can we just walk?" Taehyung asked as they walked side by side

So Eun chuckled, "Are you serious? Of course not. It's too far to just walk"

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