Just one word .. beautiful

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Christian's POV

Then as I was searching around for that figure I saw a sparkle in the far corner. Anticipation and adrenaline rush builds up in me and I take long and quick steps towards the thing and as bend down to pick up the thing I saw ...

A bracelet! I was at a loss of words looking at the fascinating and intriguing bracelet. It had an alluring touch in it. It was silver in color and it's beads were a dark shade of green which reminded me of a forest and a single leaf which made me feel that the bracelet was kinda incomplete but it was breathtakingly enthralling!

I picked up the bracelet and started looking around for its owner but I found her nowhere. Though I wanted to continue my search but the tiredness of travelling was finally catching up on me and I had this feeling to just hit the bed as soon as I get in my room. So keeping the bracelet safely with me I started my journey towards my inn and ignoring everything around me (yeah I know I should look around observing things and all being a journalist , but I am SLEEPY guys!)

So as soon as I reached the inn I went in searching for my keys and bumped into someone ...

Vanessa's POV

Ahhh it feels so good to sleep when you are soo tired. Damn that was one hell of a good and comfortable sleep.

Waking up the first thought was to check my phone and well .... two missed calls from sav , if you don't remember her ... the maniac I call my best friend , and one missed call from ... Oh shit I am dead I am soo dead! I think I should do a mini funeral for myself before the actual one coz my "Boss" will surely kill me for not picking up her call. And before you ask why I am behaving like this well that's coz she is one impatient lady and well she is one angry lady too and getting on her bad side is like calling Satan directly for an direct conversation with him!

Ok so before I go offtrack (which I just did) wasting more time and making her angry I pressed the dial button and waited for her to pick up.


Ms. Vanessa black what the actual heck were you doing that you didn't pick up my damn call?? See? I was talking about this ... I had to keep the phone away to keep my oh-so-dear ear safe as she screeched ... I mean shouted in the phone.

After a good 5 minutes lecture she actually calmed down so that we can talk normally , you know like normal human beings do...

Me - A very warm evening ma'am , hope you are calm now after you scree .... I mean shouted for almost 5 minutes now.

Her - Don't show me that attitude of yours ms. Black! I called to check on my niece and agent coz she cannot even breathe without inviting trouble!

I just rolled my eyes ... Like yeah maybe I did some mischief but I wasn't that notorious that I invite trouble okay!

Her - And don't roll your eyes young lady! Whaa? Is this lady some sort of psychic?

Me - Ho-how did you know?

Her - I know you more than you think I know you nessa. Now take care of yourself and be brave. I need to handle some work and get my beauty sleep we will talk tomorrow. Bye!

Me - B.... She hung up!! She hung up on me.. again! Ugh she doesn't lemme complete my damn sentence!

Anyway enough about her I am damn hungry now. Yeah I still need to call sav but I will do that after having some food coz right now my priorities are definitely food. But I think it will be a waste coming here and not eating by that fountain and that garden of flowers so taking the food I had with me I switched off the lights and stepped out of my room closing it. I started walking when I heard my phone ringing and it was none other than ... Yeah you guessed right sav.

Me - hey sav! How's ya?

Her - Don't 'hey sav' me okay! I called you two times why the hell you didn't pick it up?

Me - Woah woah calm down tigress I was sleeping because first you and then my aunt and boss oh-so gently ruined my sleep so I deserved that.

Her - Ahem aaanyway I called to give you the extra details of the case you are working on there. I emailed all the details about the family members of the victims who disappeared and found dead there

Me - oh that's great sav! Thank you soo much!

Her - Oh don't mention I was just doing my work. I will try my best to get the permission of Ms. Devil to come and join you there soon.

Me - Oh hush! Don't forget she is my aunt too. She may be a bit bossy ..

Her - Rude , impolite , controlling , arrogant ..

Me - okay okay what I mean is she is still our boss and my aunt. Okay so before you start complaining about her I am hungry so we will chat later okay?

Her - okay bye but take care and tell me what happens there and if you find any cool guys too okay? Ugh she still hasn't gotten over her hunt of cool boys.

Me - okay sav I will tell ...
Talking to her I suddenly bumped into a hard wall ...
:Look where you going miss'
What? Walls don't talk ... So I look up and see a very handsome guy with black hair and hazel brown eyes looking at me with a height of 6'0 and a frown on his handsome face. Clearing my throat I picked up my phone still looking at him and told sav "will call you later and tell you everything in details bye!"

Ugh just why? No one is letting me have my food!
"Listen here mister I agree I wasn't looking but you weren't looking either so don't be an ass and blame it on me" I said with irritation coz I. Am. Hungry.!!!! And went outside to have my food peacefully.

Damn these handsome but arrogant guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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