Chapter 27

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I then prepared the next day and rode a van going to the Western part of Cebu to finally ride on a boat going to Bacolod.

In the midst of the trip, I got a call from Mama Nene this time.

"Mama Nene." I smiled.

"Hi Michael. How are you? Are you in Bacolod?"

"I'm fine Mama Nene. And no, I'm not yet there. You guys? How are you?"

"We're fine. The place is happy as usual."

I asked softly and sighed, "How's Flo?"

"Flo's okay. We actually asked her to stay for the day before she leaves the next day. We're going to miss her too, you know."

"Yeah." I said, "I'm going to miss her too. Bye Mama Nene."

"Bye Mikey."

"I'm gonna call you when I'm in Bacolod."

"Alright." She said then the phone hanged up.

An hour later, I rode a boat going to Bacolod. I arrived at late in the afternoon and immediately booked a hotel. I then called Mama Nene, saying that I'm in Bacolod and rested.

It's been a long day.

Yet I still missed Flo.

A Journey of Two Night Goers: The Other Moment (Journey Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora