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no one could believe it. katsuki bakugou was standing there, after a year of them thinking he was dead. 

kaminari felt anger rise within him. "bakugou, you- you're the reason kiri's like this! why the fuck did you fake your fucking death? he's been depressed for a year, barely eating and barely fucking surviving because he saw it happen! he held your body!" 

katsuki had expected at least someone to blow up on him, but he certainly didn't expect pikachu to.

"tch. whatever, pikachu. yo, teach, could you take eijirou to recovery girl? i gave him stitches, but he needs healed," bakugou said, turning his attention to aizawa. aizawa nodded, "come with me, kirishima."

while the class dealt with the returned bakugou, shota aizawa took kirishima to recovery girl. he suspected he knew why kirishima had stitches and needed healed, but he wanted to hear it from the kid.

"kirishima, why did bakugou have to give you stitches?" he asked.

"i...cut myself. very badly," eijirou admitted quietly.

aizawa just nodded in response. he felt bad for the kid, he saw his best friend die and went into a depressive spiral. to be honest, eijirou reminded aizawa of himself when he was a teenager. depressed, coping with self harm. he hoped that he could show kirishima that everything would get better, because he was living proof of it. everything does get better.

when they arrived at recovery girl's office, he had kirishima go in and sit on a bed while he explained the situation to recovery girl outside of the room. recovery girl also felt bad for young kirishima.

she walked into the room with kirishima and closed the curtain around the bed, "could you tell me where all you have injuries, my dear?" she asked.

" arms..and thighs..but there's only stitches on my forearms." kirishima muttered.

"alright, dear. i need to take the stitches out before i can heal your arms. could you remove your shirt for me?" recovery girl said softly, wanting to be as gentle with the poor kid as she could. he had just attempted suicide the day before, for heavens sake. 

eijirou nodded and took off his shirt, revealing bandages all up his arms. recovery girl silently unraveled the bandages, grimacing at the deep wounds littering the arms of the student.

when recovery girl was done taking the stitches out, she gave eijirou a big kiss on the cheek and he began healing. the energy it took made him very tired and he fell back on the bed, falling asleep peacefully. recovery girl exited the room, looking at aizawa with a sad face.

"those cuts are going to leave nasty scars, shota. how could you let this young man do that to himself? you did the same thing when you were younger, how did you not notice what was going on?" recovery girl scolded.

"if i had intervened, he would have just tried harder to hide it. i know what it's like. you can't force someone to stop self harming. you can take away all of their privacy and their blades and everything, sure, but that won't stop them, it'll just make everything worse. i don't usually let my kids hit rock bottom, but with kirishima, the bottom is critical," shota explained. 


"alright, shut up! i get you're all pissed off at me, but can you just focus on eijirou for a god damn second? he almost died, and all you can think about is being angry at me! he'd be dead if i hadn't caught his ass while he was falling off a fucking building!" bakugou snapped. 

that shut everyone up.

"thank you, bakugou, for saving kirishima," iida paused, "why did you fake your death?"

"the league of villains were tracking me. i didn't want them to hurt any of you dumbasses, so i 'killed myself' and took them down over the course of the year. my plan was to come back to you all soon, but then i saw eijirou falling off a building and i couldn't just sit back and let that idiot die."

"bakugou, you seem to have..matured, a bit," yaomomo pointed out.

"yeah. whatever," katsuki rolled his eyes. 

"do your parents know yet, kero?" tsuyu asui asked. 

"no, they don't know. that old hag'll probably crush me when she finds out i faked it," bakugou replied.

all this time, izuku was sitting in silence, tears running down his freckled cheeks like waterfalls on rocks. "kacchan..." he said quietly, standing up.

katsuki sighed and walked over to izuku, pulling him into a hug. "stupid deku, you really thought i'd just up and leave like that?" he laughed quietly, squeezing izuku lightly. 

"he's been miserable without you, bakugou," todoroki stated calmly. "yesterday he went and visited your parents. he called me crying because they gave him a picture of you two when you were younger-"

"shut up, half 'n half, i'm trying to have a moment with izuku," bakugou growled.

todoroki just shrugged and didn't say anything else. 

after what seemed like forever, izuku pulled away from katsuki. "you called me izuku," he said softly, wiping his tears away. "i've missed you so much."

katsuki lifted his hand up and ruffled izuku's hair, "i..missed you too, shit nerd."


the first person to visit kirishima was bakugou. he wouldn't let anyone go in until kirishima had the chance to wake up and put a shirt on. he sat in a chair beside the bed all day, waiting and waiting until he eventually fell asleep. he hadn't been getting much sleep as of late, having nightmares about the torture he went through whenever the villains would capture him, which happened a few times. 

kirishima woke up slowly, eyes going between open and closed before they finally settled on open. he felt a weight on the bed and looked over, seeing bakugou with his head resting on the edge of the bed. it took him a moment to realize that katsuki was asleep, and he smiled softly when he realized. katsuki was so cute when he slept. he looked so peaceful.

well, he looked peaceful until his head started turning back and forth. pained groans left katsuki's lips, and eijirou knew he had to wake him up. so, he shook katsuki's shoulder lightly.

"katsuki, bro, wake up," he said, shaking bakugou's shoulders more.

katsuki woke with a start, jerking backwards and nearly flipping the chair. he was breathing heavily, a terrified expression on his face.

"don'" he said between breaths, tears in his eyes. 

"i would never hurt you, katsuki, what happened?" kirishima said softly, a pained expression on his face. he was worried- what was katsuki's dream about?

"just..a nightmare. about the league of villains. they...caught me a few times," bakugou whispered when he calmed down. "i'm fine, shitty hair."


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