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two weeks passed and eijirou was back at the dorms, but he visited the hospital every day to see katsuki. he had become good friends with mrs and mr bakugou. they thanked him endlessly for caring so much for their son, because no one had ever really cared the same way.

bakugou had been announced in a coma. he had been in the coma ever since the attack. eijirou sat and talked to him every day. there was comfort in knowing that his boyfriend was alive and could possibly hear him. 

ever since eijirou was discharged from the hospital, he had been doing an outpatient program there. for his mental health. and it helped, it truly did. he began eating more and self harming less. the stress of bakugou being in a coma made his recovery difficult, but he managed.

kirishima looked over at bakugou, being in the hospital room, and smiled a little. he knew it wouldn't be too long.

"alright, daily update, love. so..i've done my therapy for today. it helped. i really think my life is changing for the better. oh! and i'm a week clean from self harm. i really, really miss you though. it's...hard not having you around. i mean, you were gone for a year, but that was different because i didn't know i would get you back. but now i know that there's a chance. i just..need you to wake up soon, okay? i love you. don't...don't leave me again," he got quieter at the end, quieter and sadder.

kirishima's favourite part of his day was holding bakugou's hand. it was so warm, so soft and inviting. he held katsuki's hand and squeezed it a little, wishing for katsuki to squeeze back.

and he did. it was barely a squeeze, but it was there.

the sense of joy that overflowed within kirishima couldn't be described in words. 

"kat? kat, can you hear me?" he said quickly, squeezing katsuki's hand again.

another light squeeze.

katsuki's eyes fluttered open, but shut quickly as it was bright in the room. then, he slowly opened them. 

kirishima quickly hit the nurse button, then hugged the life out of his boyfriend. "you're awake! you-you... why aren't you...talking?" eijirou pulled away, confused.

katsuki opened his mouth and tried his hardest to speak, but nothing came out except for a small squeak. so he tried again, and tried over and over but nothing ever worked. 

the nurse entered the room, and upon seeing that bakugou was awake, called the doctor over her communicator. 

eijirou turned to the nurse, "why-why can't he speak?"

the nurse looked sad, "i was afraid this may happen. the doctor will explain when she gets in here."

when the doctor arrived, the nurse left and the doctor began explaining the situation to bakugou.

"mr bakugou, your throat suffered severe damage in the fight you were in. we were unable to fix your vocal chords, leaving you...mute," the doctor explained. she gave a look of fake pity, as if she actually cared.

katsuki began motioning things furiously with his hands, panic setting in him.

mute? no, he couldn't be mute, he was supposed to be the hot head that yelled at everyone. he was weak without his voice. it was a part of him.

"hey, kat, it's okay.. everything's going to be okay. i learned sign language, remember? you can still talk to me, i know you know it too." eijirou said softly.

katsuki turned to eijirou, and with shaky hands signed two words. 

'i'm scared.'

eijirou turned to the doctor, "could you give us a moment?"

"of course." and then she was gone.

eijirou turned back to katsuki and, without a second thought, engulfed him in a hug. "it's going to be okay, my prince..."

katsuki just cried into eijirou's shoulder. he wanted his voice back.

the mighty fall // kiribaku [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now