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AN: So this is it, the final chapter. This story was started in August, and I'm writing this in April. It's...odd that something that started as an idea I came up with while getting takeout one night became my most popular story ever, but I'm not complaining. It's not my best work, no, but I'm happy with this story. And I want to thank everyone who supported me, voted on this story and left comments. I also want to thank MorganCooper5 for being nothing but supportive during this, and for letting me use her Radlynn pastgens and Radley headcanons. I love you, Meg, and this story was mostly written for and because of you. Anyway, sorry for the long AN, enjoy the chapter everybody.


"...are you ready?"

Radlynn's hands curled into fists. She pursed her lips and stared at the empty space in front of her. She was shaking. She wore the outfit she'd come here in, freshly washed and ironed. They felt comfortable and familiar, though they now smelled of the cheap detergent Radley used.

She nodded slowly. "Yeah." She ran her tongue along her dry lips. "I'm ready."

Radley nodded next to her and tossed the warp coin to the ground. It flickered to life and cast a yellow glow over the room. Radlynn stared at the portal. A brick alleyway. It was funny to her how surreal it felt to see something so simple.

She stepped towards the portal and slowly poked her finger through the portal. She pulled her hand back and looked over at Radley. He stood still, fiddling with his hands, watching her.

"...Radlynn, I-"

"Do you wanna walk me home?" She cut in.

"Wa-" Radley looked taken aback. "C-Can I?" He asked, the excitement in his voice subdued but still obvious. Radlynn nodded. Radley grinned despite himself. "Yeah! Yes I will um- give me a moment-" Radlynn watched him hurriedly leave the room. He came back wearing the white trenchcoat he'd used for his disguise before and holding his oversized brown hat. Radlynn smiled at the familiar outfit.

"Ready?" She asked. Radley put his hat on and tugged up the collar of his trenchcoat, hiding his face.

"Yes, I'm ready." He walked over to her. Radlynn took his hand in hers and tugged him gently, smiling up at him. Radley grinned under his coat.

They stepped through the portal into the alleyway. The warp coin shrunk again back to just- well- a coin. Radley picked it up and put it in his pocket. He glanced around nervously. "Maybe this is a bad idea-" he murmured. Radlynn squeezed his hand.

"It'll be okay," she said softly. "I'll keep you safe." Radley smiled at her from under his coat and nodded.

They stepped out of the alleyway into the afternoon sunlight. Radlynn tugged him along, looking around nervously. Thankfully the streets weren't too busy, and they stuck to the backstreets when possible. Everyone knew what Radley looked like, and him being seven feet tall probably didn't help.

"Feels like I'm on the run or something." Radlynn murmured. Radley laughed behind her.

"Wouldn't be my first time." He replied. Radlynn looked back at him, brow arched.

"You're only telling me about your criminal history now?" She asked, smirking. Radley scratched at the back of his head.

"You're right, bad time." He said, avoiding the topic. Radlynn chuckled.

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