Do I know you???

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*present time*
*Bakugou POV*

Three years later.
FINALLY!! Its been to fucking long, so finally the papers are know the letter that tells you if you made it into UA!

"Dear Mr. Bakugou,
We have made our minds on weather or not you come you UA. We personally wanted to give you this letter to let you know have been given access to come to UA, and not only that but you get to come to our highest class 1-A. We are very happy and cant wait to have you coming and working with us.
~UA high
Wow...I FUCKING MADE IT!!!!! I tried to keep my cool while telling my work so thank God for that. When I told them the old hag was practically screaming, it hurt like hell it was like my ears exploded, my dad on the other hand was calm about but happy and said a simple,"Great jod, son! We're proud of you." And with that I walked away and went to my room and jumped on my bed. The next day was when school started, it started a lot early then expected since I just got the letter yesterday. After I got to the school gates my eye instantly landed on a red-head boy... his hair looks like shit... damn he's hot though... WHAT THE HELL!? I decided to not talk to him... he looks really familiar though, I dont know were I've seen him at though.

~Time skip~

I got to class ONLY to see that kid again. He looked up at me from a group of friends that he had with him earlier. He had a scar on his left eye and sharp shark-like teeth and ruby red eyes...pretty
....wait..WHAT-NO! STOP IT BRAIN! I sat down only to see a yellow SLEEPING bag...LIKE WHAT THE HELL!? I got up to see why the hell there was a sleeping bag in the class, than I saw a teacher, I then tapped him and he woke up."Huh!? Oh, what do you need?" The teacher said....that's when Shitty nerd came in with a,"KACHAN!" "Fuck..." I mumbled under my breath I told the teacher that nothing was wrong and that he shouldn't be asleep on the job but that didnt work. Deku came up to me and was about to hug me so I gave him a death glare and he instantly turned away. Deku went to this kid with half red and half white hair. Damn half n' half probably thinks he better then me... That's when I felt and hand touch my shoulder and I was about to yell at who ever touched me until he spoke first "Excuse me, but do I know you?" I turned around to see that kid with the shitty hair. Why the fuck cant I talk right now!?

The smallest smiles *depressed kirishima x bakugou* Where stories live. Discover now