Night 1(part 2)

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Kirishima's POV:

I pulled out my work for my book bag and started to work on it. Most of the stuff then it's even make sense, like what are we ever going to use the stuff in real life!? I looked over at bakugou or as I call them "Blasty" and you seem to be busy on his phone so I decided not to bother him with my questions about my work. About an hour later I finished my work and got my phone soon after the clock read 10 o clock so I should be fine. I put in my headphones and go on YouTube I started watching a few videos when I got a text message for my dad.
Dad: Did you do good on you first day at UA?

Me: Yes, I should be able to handle everything here.

Dad: "Should"? Ejiro, your mother and I worked hard to get you into the EXAMS! If you screw this up I SWEAR TO GOD IT WILL NOT END WITHOUT A PUNISHMENT!

Me: Your right dad, I'm sorry I can handle everything here.

Dad: Good, I'll talk to you in the morning.

Me: Ok, goodnight.

*in reality
Now I knew that I had to work 10 times harder the today if I wanted to keep my grades up....."This is going to be a rough year" I thought to myself. I stared at my book bag for a while and thought about the fact that I barely understood any of it, I decided to ask bakugou for some help after class tomorrow cuz he looks like he understood all of oh, and he would be a big help to me if he actually helped me. I put my attention back on my phone and I start to watch some videos to help me with some math and to help me with the work I was just doing. By the time I get done with all of the videos I look back up at the clock and it read 12 O Clock. "Crap....I should go to bed" I thought as I put my phone on the charger. After I got my stuff put away I laid down and turned off my nightstand light. "I'll show dad that I can do it!" Was the last thought in my head before drifting off to sleep.

395 woods

The smallest smiles *depressed kirishima x bakugou* Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant