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You don't have to be a monster.

Juliet was sitting on a log in the middle of camp. She was watching as everyone mingled among each other. She noticed Murphy fail attempt after attempt to get his knife stuck in the tree. She wasn't sure what to do with herself at the moment. She felt like she was intruding on Octavia as she watched over Jasper. She felt like she was distracting Monty as he was working on contacting the ark.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard screams. She looked up and saw everyone running towards the drop ship. She stood slowly and was faced with a yellow fog. She coughed intensely when she inhaled and would have collapsed on the spot if someone didn't drag her away. Juliet couldn't see and her throat was burning. Her body collapsed once they reached the drop ship.

"What's going on?" Monty asked confused as everyone started running in the drop ship coughing.

"Air cloud everyone's skin started burning."

"Monty my brothers out there." Octavia's voice held so much fear that the shaggy haired boy didn't know how to respond.

"He'll be fine. We'll all be fine." Monty spoke his breath getting caught in his throat noticing a particular blonde collapsed on the floor.


Monty stared at the blonde asleep in front of him. Murphy had dragged her into the drop ship, but he wouldn't tell her that knowing how she felt towards him. He was no Clarke, but he did wrap her arm due to a few burns.

Hope. He was clinging to hope, to the words she spoke to him just the day before. When all he needed was hope she gave it to him and now he's sitting helpless not being able to help her or Jasper.

"Someone shut that kid up." Juliet turned in her sleep and groaned in pain. Monty's jaw tightened and he glared in the direction the voice came from. The whole camp was asleep on the lower level of the drop ship, they were waiting out the fog. No one was sure of what happened, but they all felt the same undying fear.

"I can't take it much longer." Someone else yelled.

"Alright, that's it. I'm ending this." Murphy announced getting up from his hammock. Monty's eyes widened in alarm.

"Bellamy gave him until tomorrow." Someone spoke up a little unsure of herself.

"Yeah well Bellamy isn't here is he? The kids dying anyway, I'm just getting it over with." Monty gave one last glance at Juliet's sleeping form and made a run to the stairs. He made it to the top quickly and shut the latch before Murphy could make it anywhere near Jasper.

Juliet woke to a loud bang. She groaned and looked to see Murphy banging on the latch door. She rolled her eyes at his antics, he was always up to something.

She noticed a bottle of water on the floor beside her and took a few sips. Her throat .had a slight sting and she winced in pain. Her head was throbbing and she glared at the boy still banging on the latch door.

"Sit down, puppy dog." She fought back the wince at the burning sensation on her vocal cords. Murphy's head snapped to the blonde seated just below him. He wasn't sure he heard her properly. "You making all that noise to try and kill a boy for making noise sort of defeats the purpose, don't you think?"

He stared at her bewildered for a moment before hopping off the stairs. She pat the space beside her in a welcoming gesture. After staring at her for a few seconds he decided to take the seat beside her.

"Why are you talking to me?" He asked cautiously not sure if he wanted to know the answer.

Juliet wasn't sure what to say. Maybe it was the fact that she was still very much in pain and needed a distraction or that she didn't know the name to anyone else around her. "You don't have to be a bad guy, Murphy."

Shadow and a Dancer ➵ monty greenWhere stories live. Discover now